
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My mother has skin cancer?

My mom has skin cancer and I'm really scared. She had skin cancer right below her nose, and got that treated. Now she has it on her forehead. Should I be worried? The last time she got her skin cancer treated, she was perfectly fine. Please help?
Not to worry! Skin cancers are sometimes common occurrences in people with light, fair skin. I have just completed the third minor procedure to have a skin cancer removed from my nose. They were all the most simple form called basal cell carcinoma. it's the kind that can be treated with a minor surgical procedure called Moh's surgery.
She should have the one on her forhead checked. If its really a skin cancer, she should have it removed using the Moh's surgery. The surgery is fairly simple and is pain free for the surgery. There might be some minor swelling or pain after while it is healing due to stitches, etc.
There might be a small scar after healing also, but better a scar than cancer!Good luck! take a look at the article in the link. It's very well done.
If she has good doctors and takes good care she will do fine.
how old is she? If she is not that old. I would get checked out also!
As long as they're treated early, there is no reason to worry. She should see her dermatologist at least every six months for a check up and otherwise follow their recommendations. Your mom probably spent a lot of time in the sun when she was young, and sometimes this happens.
i'm sorry about your mom, don't worry about it, kemo and radiology work lots of the time. i think she willbe okay, don't worry. it will be fine.
Hey, your not alone. My mom also had skin cancer on the back of her neck. What the dermatologist did was remove it completely and she goes in for check-ups from time to time, but in the end everything turned out alright. I'm sure your mom will do fine again, nothing to be worried about.
My sister has skin cancer and has had an awful lot of problems that keep coming back, she used to live in the UK but now lives in Australia. She is having treatment and staying positive, she has the support of her son and husband. All you can do is support her, dont panic, and keep looking on the net as there are always new treatments coming up...Good Luck to your Mum and Well Done to you for caring so much xx
im hate to hear that and yer mom will be ok so dont worry.
yer mom sound like shes a strong woman and the docters will take good care of her and im sorry about that.
that really depends on the type of the cancer, but if she has a relapse of the problem that is not a good sign, there are treatments but she attention , so i sugest take her to the specialist quickly and start treatment fast
See what all that tanning can do to your skin?..
Hey I am sorry about your mom but she'll
be just fine if it can be treated. Just talk to
your dad about it and he will tell you the same
I know, natural aloe-vera is good for skin cancer.
Hi, you should be optimistic before your mother, because she feels 10 times worse than you.You may help her to find a good speciality doctor for skin cancer treatment.You are also suggested to visit "" which provides you some information about skin cancer and the diet suggested for the patient.
Consider this when considering all the other ideas - 10 - Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer specialist came out with a paper that said the best cancer/infection fighter found to date was Interferon. At the time it was $15,000 a gram. The paper also said that Interferon was a by-product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your body. Shortly after that the FDA tried to make Vitamin C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA has the RDA for Vitamin C set at 64 mg a day, just enough to ward off scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vitamin C and a second Nobel Prize for Organic Chemistry, said that 1000 mg a day should be the minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick or smoke. 36 He played tennis almost daily until the day he died at 96. Personally, I got sick twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, for more than 20 years, with something to this day the doctors have no idea what it was, but for a week in the middle of those 2 weeks I was flat on my back. I started Vitamin C therapy once I gave up on the doctors. I took enough to be asymptomatic for those 2 weeks. 37 Too much and I got diarrhea and too little and I got sick. Within a narrow range, and it followed a bell curve over those 2 weeks, I was not sick. At the height I was taking 40,000 mg a day and 300,000 over the 2 weeks. After 2 years of that I have not been sick since 鈥?more than 15 years. (If you find this useful, copy it and give it to a friend. Somebody got to Yahoo and they delete this as soon as they find it) Vitamin C acts as a natural diuretic so you need to drink a lot of water and watch your body in total, but my kidneys did not dissolve as the doctors predicted, or get massive kidney stones as other predicted. I did not dissolve my bones as some predicted or completely calcify my joints as others predicted. 38 I had no side effects at all. It might be something to consider.

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