
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My queefer smells like bad egg nog. Is this normal?

Probably. Isn't that what it's supposed to smell like? uh oh.
No that is not normal, you should go and get checked. You more than likely have an infection.
Sounds like an infection to me, too. Should be pretty easy for a doctor to diagnose.
Not normal atal. It could be bacteria or fungus infection. Some std give that smells to.
You have to check yourself n see your obsgyn.
That doesn't sound right! you should go and check it out with your doctor but also if your using excessive soaps or body washes in the area you could be disrupting the natural pH balance! There are some feminine soaps that you can buy from the chemist or your local supermarket that may also help with the smell!!
ewwww... get that checked out.

My Psoriasis Treatment?

I read a great story on as I have recently gotten Psoriasis. If anyone else has insight into curing Psoriasis, can you please post those cures here.
Hi JohnHere are some ideas on how to heal the issue.Cause
Psoriasis is metabolic in nature and can be triggered by environmental or stressful conditions, poor diet, flu-like conditions, the administration of penicillin, and nutritional deficiencies. Patients with psoriasis are also a higher risk of rheumatoid diseases.Psoriasis can be caused by food allergies, essential fatty acid deficiencies, low digestive enzyme and hydrochloric acid levels, vitamin B complex deficiencies, emotional stress, illness, drugs (such as beta-blockers, lithium, and chloroquine), poison ivy or oak, skin damage, and several infections, bacterial or viral in origin.
------------------------------...Natural CuresAromatherapy: The following essential oils are recommended: bergamot (to help heal skin plaques), lavender (to reduce excessive itching), melissa (for irritated skin), jasmine (for dry sensitive skin), geranium (for dry irritating skin), and sandalwood mysore (for dehydrated, inflamed, and sensitive skin). Diet: Screen for and eliminate all foods to which you are allergic or sensitive. Eat a varied diet of organic, whole foods, rotating foods as much as possible. Eliminate wheat and wheat products for 1-3 months. Consume seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, and each day, on a rotating basis, take one tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil, and be sure to drink plenty of pure, filtered water. Organic beef, venison, poultry, garlic, onions, parsley, organic plain yogurt, and sauerkraut are also recommended. Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy Cream庐 applied topically can soothe symptoms. Herbs: Combine equal parts of burdock, sarsaparilla, and cleavers tinctures and take one teaspoon three times a day. Silymarin (milk thistle) is also helpful for psoriasis due to its positive effects on liver function. Homeopathy: Useful homeopathic remedies include Psorinum, Sulfur, Graphites, Cuprum met., and Arsen alb.Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. I suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments.
*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.Juice Therapy: The following juice combinations can be helpful: apple and carrot; beet, cucumber, and grape; and beet, carrot, burdock, yellowdock and garlic.Lifestyle: Mild cases of psoriasis may be helped by daily exposure to sunlight. Frequent exercise is also recommended.Nutritional Supplementation: The following nutrients can be helpful: evening primrose oil, omega-3 essential fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin B Complex, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, folic acid, lecithin, zinc, and a multimineral supplement. Taking hydrochloric acid (HCL) with each meal can also be of use.In Europe fumaric acid treatment in the form of fumaric acid tablets, ointment, lotion, and scalp lotions is widely used to reverse symptoms of psoriasisTopical Treatment: Apply seawater to the affected skin several times daily. Linseed or avocado oil, aloe vera gel, and/or capsaicin cream applied topically can reduce the scaling, thickness, redness, and itching.Best of health to you
i been living with psoriasis basically all my life, if u hear of a cure plsssssssss let me know, cuse so far i have not. as the doctors have told u there is no cure, what this person has posted can help in a great way, and maybe put u in remission for awhile, but it will come back, because thats what it does, and without a cure if u are like me and dont stay in remission long, u are going to be looking for the easiest medication and accepting that cures are out there im sorry if i sould harsh but this is the reality to this no-curable desiese.
Psoriasis... I have lived with it since I was about 7 years old. I am 23 now and I still don't have an answer to this. I apologize for not being very insightful to you, but I feel that I have to be honest. Psoriasis, is hereditary... I have been going to a dermatologist for many many many years and everything has given me, helps for a short time and then it's as though my body gets immune to it. My Sister has psoriasis as well and she at one point did Light Treatments. Basically in a tanning bed for seconds at a time because it is so strong. I didn't do that, but it seemed to work well for her.The treatment often baffles me... They say I should keep it lubricated but also drying it out helps. I don't know what to believe and seeing as I don't trust my current doctor with it I don't know what to tell you. Psoriasis isn't a bad disease. It's not unlivable, it may be ugly and not fun...and itchy at times. But it makes me who I am. Can I ask where your psoriasis is? And how old/young you are? And what treatments you are using? I have used most everything so I am sure I know of it. Contact me if you can. :o) Or would like.
PS: Oh I forgot, be careful around Strep Throat. It makes it flare up. :o/ it is from JAPAN some japanese guys share their stories of curing psoriasis one guy i knew do get ride of maybe it is helpful to u GOOD LUCK
If you want a more natural approach to treating psoriasis, try for helpful tips. Keep a healthy diets, avoid activities and foods that can cause you irritation and drink lots of water. Always keep your body moisturized as well. Good luck to you!
to have psoriasis is like having an unwanted guest in your life. it is terrible experience or me. i once had it and it was a terrible experience. psoriasis usually attacks during summer and winter season. always use clothes that will not try to irritate your skin. avoid foods that can trigger outbreaks. always keep yourself well hydrated and try using the best product that i have discovered that helped me get rid of my psoriasis. for more help click this very helpful site

My potassium is 5.8, my doctor says its from the heat. What do you think?

i think that when getting a second opinion, is NOT the place to go.
I would listen to my doctor and don't ask strangers that don't know anything.
Your doctor is lying to you. It's only 5.4.
Your doctor could be assuming that you are dehydrated - if you are dehydrated the level of potassium in relation to the total fluid in your body is higher. However there are other causes of high potassium (hyperkalemia) so your doctor should exclude these first. High potassium levels can cause cardiac arrhythmias so best to check it out with a second opinion if necessary.
Heat does not give you potassium. Its a salt, a healthy one.Low potassium gives you poor heat tolerance.
I know 2.5 is bad and can induce a heart attack
Presumably this doctor has ruled out kidney dysfunction, kidney stones, adrenal gland dysfunction, Addison's Disease, diabetic ketoacidosis, rhabdomyolysis, and just plain old eating too much potassium in your diet. Presumably, also, you aren't taking potassium supplements or one of the many types of medications that can increase serum potassium. There can also be lab errors that might cause this result. Normal serum potassium is 3.5 to 5.0. I suspect your doctor is saying you are slightly dehydrated. If this is true, your sodium would also be elevated. You may want to ask your doctor to explain more specifically how the heat is causing your hyperkalemia (elevated potassium). As a patient, you have a right to an explanation.

My pimple turned into something similar to a chicken pox, what should i do?

after the gooey yellow stuff was removed... days later, my pimple became something like a chicken pox, my pimple looks like it has some liquid in it...waaah..!! what should i do... my father is scaring me that it would stay like that forever, is it true? waah..!! what the remedy for this.. need help..badly...
put tea tree oil on it and a triple anti- bacterial ointment it will gone in about a day or two if you try it.
If the pimples aren't all over your body then it isnt chicken pox.

My pet tiger bit me...?

and it wont stop bleeding. i dont want to see a doctor because i probobly have rabies and i dont want a shot. is there a rabies pill i can take instead of a shot. if i dont do something fast, ill probobly die
Wow! You have a pet tiger? Or, a cat? You really need to see a doctor and shots don't hurt that much. My three year old cousin didn't even flinch when she got hers.
u should definitly go to the doctor and im sure that u really have a pet tiger lol, plus shots dont hurt
Tigers are not pets, they are wild animals. If the bite was deep, you probably need stitches...go to the ER and ask for a rabies shot too. Sorry a shot is your only option.
is tiger a dog? because im thinking it is and if it is, then if he had his shots, then its pretty positive that he doesnt have rabies meaning you dont have it. but to make it stop bleeding, make sure u apply gause and pressure to the wound. Otherwise if your pet does have rabies, i know of no pills to take rather than seeing your doctor
Wow! You should go to the Dr. and get a shot...
Don't be scared!
Yep, it would really suck to have to get a shot right after a tiger has bitten you. That would be at the top of my list of things to worry about!
If this is a real pet tiger and it has not been exposed to other wild animals just other family pets. and none of them are sick. you don't have may still die if you don't get the bite treated.
from a think shots are bad getting hooked up to iv lines for a week will be fun.

My peepee smells like cheerios.?

Why? Not only in the morning. I eat cheerios sometimes, though. Is this bad?
may signal infection coming on, increase your water intake, try cranberry, bluberry or pomagranate juice as well. Have you changed your diet recently, started a new medication? factors to consider with new urine odor. Normalyy urine should not smell. Do you have any pain, or blood, or cloudy urine, any changes in color. Sometimes just doing what i stated above is enough to fix the problem, but nothing takes the place of seeing a doctor. they will at least do a urine test to check things out.

My partners father sadly recently passed away and a coroner has said that it was the fault of the hospital?

He was on dialysis and suffered an allergic reaction. The hospital were aware that he was allegic to the chemical which affected him. An inquest is now to be arranged. Has anyone been through a similar situation and what should we expect from the inquest and after the inquest?
I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm a little confused. How can the coroner state the hospital was to blame when there hasn't yet been an inquest?
Evidence from all sides will be heard, as in any other court, then AFTER considering the evidence the coroner then gives his/her verdict. It's just all speculation at the moment.
This link might help you on what to expect in these tragic circumstances
You will have to prove neglect, and you may have trouble getting the notes from the hospital, plus doctors tend to stick together the same as other professions, but good luck and sorry to hear about it !!
Most drugs during dialysis may cause hypersensitivity ,hypertension,hypernatramia and soso was he on some other drugs too like say diabetics and so..

My partner has told me he has a lump in his chest and is sure he has cancer, but will not go to the doctor?

I really do not know what to do
He is being bery selfish because if he dies then he will hurt you and his friends and family.
Knock him spark out and skull drag him there. The blooming Village Idiot!
you can't force someone to stop smoking, start exercising, eat heathily, go to the doctor etc. - they have to do it for themselves
persuade them nag if you have to shame him put him on a guilt trip do what you have to get him there i lost my mum to breast cancer
Try asking him how worried he would be if it was you with the lump. It must be scary but he HAS got to go to the docs, it may hopefully turn out to be nothing. Tell him you will be with him if he wants. Good luck xx
tell him hes an idiot.Then knock him out and take him to a doctor.
He might not want to go to the doctors because he is scared of being told that it is cancer. Try and talk to him about it and tell him that your worried. Make an appointment with the doctors for him and go with him. Tell him that you love him and it would be best to sort it out now then to leave it. Reassure him that your there for him and that if he does have it you can fight it together.However it might not be cancer it might be a cyst. Although it's always best to get a new lump checked out. Take Care Hun and best of luck. Fingers crossed that it isn't cancer.
Go with Indy500 on this. The sooner its diagnosed, the better his chances.
cancer can be deadly if it spreads and if he doesnt get it treated he could die!
Sounds like your boy may be a little scared. Cancer is a life threatening and changing sickness. However, the lump in his chest may be something else. Tell him, "The longer you wait the worse off you'll be." I'd rather find out what it is now and have a chance to get rid of it, then to not go at all and end up being to late to fix it.
make him go to the doctor if he refuses to go even though he has a sign of it then maybe he dont want to live anymore
It sounds like he is really frightened. Gentle persuasion about how he will feel relieved if it is nothing serious %26 or how he will feel if the treatment is minor may work. Remind him that even if it is cancer, it isn't the thing to be most fearful of these days... it really is quite common place now and success rates are extremely high. tell him you understand how frightened he is.
you need to tell him if this is the big c god forbid it is better to get it treated early look at the snooker player paul hunter his c was not found for a while and bless him he lost his battle very young
god bless and good luck
My brother-in-law died because he would not go to the Doctor. If he won't go for you, call his parents. If he won't take care of himself, who will he take care of? Make an appointment for him and kick him out if he doesn't follow through. This is very selfish on his part and if it is serious, you will never forgive yourself if you just sit there and don't do anything.
I had Breast Cancer 6 years ago and had a mastectomy. In all the months that I was attending hospital for treatment there was only 1 man there who had been diagnosed with it. Yes, it's rare but men can still get it, so he needs to get it looked at now. If your partner is too afraid to go and see the doctor then perhaps your doctor would come and see him? I know my GP often goes to see patients in their own homes for none urgent cases. He is a very good GP by the way.
I'm assuming he can "feel" it on the outside of the chest,like breast tissue etc. You need to give him some slack,and not nag. Men don't like that approach. Go to some Websites like webmd,or Google,and down load the info,and let him read for himself. Men can have breast cancer,same as women,if he's having a bloody nipple discharge,he will need to be checked.There are other conditions besides a cancer that could be the problem. Take care. SW RNP
leave him i thing he want to die or he want to put to test if u really love him, tell him to show the please in chest than buy him some gift encourage him that it will soon be over make him happy
The messages are VERY LOUD and VERY CLEAR, early diagnosis in most cases increases the chance of a cure of cancer IMMENSELY..
I am seventy one and I thought I may have a prostate problem.
I IMMEDIATELY went to my doctor who referred me to a cancer specialist. At this stage after several tests the results are neither one way or the other. But at least I know that should I be diagnosed with cancer I have given myself the BEST possible chance of beating it.
By the way the lump in his chest may be fatty tissue.
I am absolutely in agreement with those who say make him go to the doctor by hook or by crook. Explain to him that the fear of finding out anything is often perceived as worse than the actual results.One word of caution though please please go with him, and make sure that the doctor refers him to the appropriate place for any necessary tests. My partner went to our GP over 18 months ago with a series of symptoms and was dismissed and told it was "only IBS" (like thats not bad enough), The GP didnt even record her concerns on her records.She has just had radical surgery, radiotherapy and chemo for bowel cancer and is facing further chemo because its spread to her liver and they found cancer cells in the healthy tissue they removed.Please show these replies to your partner and tell him, he isnt on his own and you are concerned because you care about his wellbeing and if total strangers like us can offer support because we care, then he should think just how much more you are affected.
Best of luck
You could call the doctor on his behalf and tell the doctor the problem. If he is a good doctor then he may call round and do a house visit.

My partner has diabetes insipidus.?

he was on the nasal spray,desmopressin,but has just been prescribed the tablet desmomelt,,,just wondering if any one else is taking this drug for di,and what side effects are you suffering from,,,he has severe headaches,itchiness,etc,thanks for any replies xxx
Greetings!Diabetes insipidus is unrelated to what is commonly known as diabetes (mellitus). Here are a couple of sites that might give you more information:Medline plus: Diabetes insipidus Insipidus Foundation Inc. Diabetes Insipidus the side effects of the drug, desmomelt, here is a site (headaches are a side effect):Desmomelt the headaches are severe, I would strongly recommend your partner returning to the doctor. I suffer from migraines and any medication that increases my headaches, I always search for an alternative.Hope this helps!Many Blessings,
If he has any side effects from the med he should call the doctor to let her/him know. Some people just can't tolerate this med. Best of luck to you and your partner!
Desmopressin may cause side effects. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately: upset stomach
stuffy or runny nose
reddening of the skin
stomach cramps
pain in the external genital area (in women)
please visit this site u can get good answers.Get well soon!! May GOd Bless You!
As someone else said DI is unrelated to diabetes melitus - it should really have a different name.Be especially carefully careful of scam cures like the one at the diabetes zone dot com.
There is a book/s on line called the BNF (British National Formulatory) or (MIMMS). DO an internet search as these two books are used by your GP to prescribe medications.iN THERE IT WILL TELL YOU ABOUT SIDE EFFECTS OF MEDICATIONS

My palms get really sweaty when im nervous or just when anything is in my hand is there anything i can do to..

make it stop or just to make them sweat less (home remedies plz) plz and thx =].
Yep I do. They have this rock/stone that you can get at the health food stores and you rub it on your palms and they don't make you sweat at all. =)
put deodorant on them.

My palms are peeling real bad!?

Just since last week, I went on a vacation from Phoenix to where I am now San Diego. SInce I got here in San Deigo, My palms are feeling! Like when I take a shower! pool! just anything. I just started to put some lotion on it though.
Could it be the weather.. water? soap? huh huh huh?
Never happened before, never used lotion before.
am I mutiant!
It is possible you have come in contact with something that irritated your skin. It is also possible you have a skin irritation that needs medical attention. If it does not go away in a week or gets worse in the next few days I would seek your doctors advice.
too much chlorine from being in the pool
any good hand lotion should help to heal them
Ok this is going to be the groosest thing that I have ever said...This same thing just happened t my good guy friend. Someone told him to pee on his hands, wait 30 seconds, then wash then with soap. Good luck.
You have gotten a fungus infection. I am not kidding. I studied mycology and I worked as a mycologists for a while. You need to see a doctor and he will probably prescribe an ointment for something similar to athlete's foot. The minor disease is called a tenia.
If I am wrong then I am wrong but it sure sounds like you have gotten a fungus infection.
i have a problem with it also i was told its the weather and ur hydration lvl. u might want to try a hand lotion that is desined for realy dry hands and dont use body lotion it does not get as deep as thicker creams.also drink plenty of water u might just be trying to get used to difernt climate. thats just from my experiance
quit jacking off
in gym class i started lifting weight and the same thing happen it could be from grabbing metal
Mike Ologee is right! Absolutely a fungal infection, same thing happened to my stepmom from touching dirty gym equipment. She went to the dermatologist and is fine now.
Also I'm a Medical College Prof. and we recently discussed this in class. Fungus.
just use lotion evry now and probably just need mosturizing

My organ needs its pipes cleaned out...?

It hasn't been done for a long time, I've tried doing it myself but I just did my back in. Should I get a specialist in?
yeah, they often used compressed air.
There might be some tooting but it will flush the cobwebs out :)
Yes make sure they use plenty of oil or they could damage your organ, and you wont be able to knock a tune out again :)
Give it a good blow., that should do the job.
Have someone polish the knobs and everything should be fine.

My nose is blocked in one side. Sometime it moves left to right and right to left, but blocks one side. help?

Yes, that's amazing how it changes sides. Sometimes the change follows changing which side you are sleeping on. That kind of blockage seems to be inflammation or dyness affecting the sinus tissue, especially in winter. Try using a nasal spray, along with a Breathe-Right strip. I use an Rx nasal spray, but others might be just as effective. If not, what I use is Nasarel. You may be amazed at how much the nose strip opens the nasal passages. Good luck.
nasal congestion due to common allergies (i get this alot)if it's a common problem-talk to your dr about getting a regular nasal allergy medication such as nasonex. this will help clear the stuffiness.for now-you can take any over the counter nasal decongestant-this should help clear the blockage. sudafed pe non-drowsy works great and you can take it during the day w/out it making your tired.
Sinusitis. Go to an ENT doctor, and have a CT done of your sinuses, to check for tissue blockage and polyps.
you are, my friend, congested. usually over-the-counter meds help. just look for the meds that treat nasal congestion.
max u r sruffering from nasal congestion due to allergies...i would recommend u t o see a DR.but if u cant or u dont wanna go to DR then for home treatment inhale steam of boiling water by adding some vicks or 5-6 menthol crystals in'll give u releif from bloackade ..
Sounds like a deviated septum. The cartilage in the center of your nose is broken. It's an easy fix for a surgeon.

My nose is always closed, but there is no alergies that I know of. It opens if I run or with decongestants.?

You may have a deviated septum. I do, but didnt know it till I had a sinus infection and got an x-ray. I must have broken my nose and it healed wrong my doc said. get it checked out. Could also be some type of allergy. GL
You could have a deviated septum. Check out these websites and ask your doctor what you should do.

My nipple feeling itchy this few days,what would cause this?

I feel itchy around my nipple,which i haven't faceany of this prob before..What would cause it?and does it mean i need any medical check up?
your nipples are itchy, scaly and cracked, you probably have eczema. The itching can make this an embarrassing condition. It occurs mainly in women in their late teens, and usually affects both nipples. It may be only on the nipple, or may affect the flatter area surrounding the nipple (the areola). A steroid cream from your doctor will deal with it. Your doctor will check that it is not scabies, which can cause a similar appearance.鈥楯ogger鈥檚 nipple鈥?is another possibility. This is caused by friction from clothing, especially during long-distance running. Protect your nipples with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or surgical tape (Micropore, from pharmacies) before exercising. A silk running vest is less abrasive than synthetic fibres. Very rarely, eczema of a nipple can signal a cancerous growth beneath. This is uncommon, but it is why you should see your doctor if you have eczema on only one nipple. It occurs mainly in middle-aged or elderly women. It is not usually itchy, but there may be a pricking or burning feeling

My neutrophil count is high. Its 80. Everything else is normal.. Any help ??

My my blood report shows the Polys ( neutrophil ) count is high. Its 80. Everything else is normal.. Any help ??
Any home remedy ??
I am 23 and work in night shifts for a call centre.
I feel very weak and shiver in slight wind.
Its been a week now.
The most common cause is a bacterial infection, which would explain shivering in the wind. If you feel no better in a few days, return to your doctor. No home remedy to return them to normal, just simple rest and recuperation until the infection is gone (if that's what it is). Get well soon

My nerves have been acting real weird and i dont know whats wrong. how can i get better?

ive been getting sick like diareha, upset stomach and sometimes barf ive been takeing milk of magnesia when it happens too also it happens every other day
You probably should stop taking milk of magnesia for one, it's a laxative, and if it's giving you diarrhea and stomach pain you are either making it happen yourself by drinking it, or making it worse if the pain and diarrhea were already there.But if this has been going on for a while, you should see a doctor.
potassium wll help nerves

My nephew stole some red wine vinegar from his fathers house?

thinking that it could get him drunk (I assume). His mother wants to make him drink a glass of it but is worried about it having some ill effects (other than making him nauseous). Will it cause any damage to drink 8oz of red wine vinegar straight in a short time frame, lets say 10 min?
I think you suggest to his mother that she find another method to teach him not to drink alcohol and not to take things without asking. Sometimes a simple conversation can result in a positive outcome. I also think the mother should remember we were all young once and made bad choices. When one of my boys was young (7) he took something, I took him with the item and he apologized to the owner. The owner did not let him off to easily. He gave him a verbal reprimand that he still remembers today; at age 22.
It would be irresponsible and childish to have him drink it. He may even like what he tastes.
What the hell sort of twisted punishment is that? How about talking to him? That's what my parents always did with us. They reared three kids who have amassed a large collection of degrees, are involved in volunteer work, have successful years and happy personal lives. So I'm thinking they were on to a pretty good idea.
That would be dangerous to drink something that acidic and would cause gasto problems. The child may end up at the doctors office/ER and child services would be called.
This would be considered child abuse (duh)!
Please encourage his mother to think of an alternate way to discipline. Perhaps address the issue of STEALING something in the first place (regardless of what it is)
Honestly I don't think that this can be good for you in any way, shape or form. Granted the ph of the red wine vinegar is equal to or just a bit higher than your stomachs normal gastric acid. but regardless it can't be good
I would report her to child protection services for child abuse. she is obviously not able to care for a child

My nephew in another country has low white blood cell count.Whats the treatment and dangers?

he has gone to the doctor but they havent given him anything is there any emergency treatment he can start on ?Any doctor please help save him. he is only twenty
Here is a list of complications of low white cell count:
* Leukopenia and Tongue symptoms
* Leukopenia and Facial rash
* Leukopenia and Heart rhythm symptoms
* Leukopenia and Bowel problems
* Leukopenia and Tiredness
* Leukopenia and Emotional symptoms
* Leukopenia and Vision distortion
* Leukopenia and Malaise
* Leukopenia and Sweat symptoms
* Leukopenia and Cor pulmonale
* Leukopenia and Vague symptoms
* Leukopenia and Melena
* Leukopenia and Sores
* Leukopenia and Delusions
* Leukopenia and Telangiectasia
* Leukopenia and Itching all over
* Leukopenia and No symptoms
* Leukopenia and Joint swelling
* Leukopenia and Temperature symptoms
* Leukopenia and Enlarged liver and spleen See full list of 244 symptom search combinations related to Leukopenia.Please go to this web site link for further help.
I am not a doctor, but with leukocytopenia, yes it is a major problem why they wont treat him is astounding, but maybe just naturally he should start by trying to raise his folic acid intake, naturally of course, he can buy folic acid and tak maybe a 2 mg tablet a day to up his stem cell production.
Leukopenia (or leukocytopenia, or leucopenia or leukopaenia) is a decrease in the number of circulating white blood cells (leukocytes) in the blood
Neutropenia is a reduction in the blood neutrophil (granulocyte) count. If it is severe, the risk and severity of bacterial and fungal infections increase. Focal symptoms of infection may be muted, but fever is present during most serious infections. Diagnosis is by WBC count, but evaluation requires identification of the cause. If fever is present, infection is presumed, and immediate, empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics are necessary. Treatment with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor or granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is sometimes helpful.

My mum is a hypertension & diabetes patient. that day she suddenly felt pain on her heart..?

my mum is a hypertension %26 diabetes patient. that day she suddenly felt pain on her she took a Vastarel 20mg immediately, the pain was relieved after that.
Q: The Vastarel 20mg was prescribed by the doctor few years ago, and she had stopped taking that for, she's wondering if she need to take it everyday? or just take it when there's heart ache??
when was the last time you mum went to a doctor for a check up. the fact that it has been some time now since her last prescription of said drug, she really needs to seek medical attention so that her condition can be properly evaluated and proper medical treatment can be adminstered.her heart ache otherwise known as an angina, can be symptomatic of other underlying conditions. taking vastarel-which is an anti-angina drug can relieve the symptoms or the pain, but it would be wise to have her medically re-evaluated by her cardiologist. the fact that she has diabetes means that she need this check up more than self medicate may mean just masking the symptoms of a bigger problem. thus i strongly reccomend an immediate visit to the doctor. stop taking the medication, up until your doctor prescribes it again for her, and that whatever is stipulated in her treatment regimen, should be followed.

My mouth hurts!?

I have a little scab on the the inside of my lower lip. I got it from brushing my teeth too fast..and its been hurting for 2 days now!
I want the pain and the little scab to go away! Please Help me!
gargle with warm water an a pinch of salt=eat crisp= the salt heals mouth sores.xx
Those suck, I beilive there is some stuff called "mouth bandage" or something that is supposed to help those, but when I tried it it was so disgusting that I had trouble following the directions, (swishing it around in my mouth) I find it better to just wait for it to go away, it cant last much longer if you've already had it for 2 days...P.S. do you have braces? cause those make it much worse!
Open wide and i'll peel it off!
buy some oral gel it will get rid of some of the pain and also
help it heal faster
but if dont it will heal by itself in like 1-2 weeks :]

My mother suffers from SLE. Does anyone have the Book "THE LUPUS MIRACLE BREAKTHROUGH" by Mark Anastasi.

Pl mail the book to I will be ever grateful.
It's not natural for the immune system to attack the body. That's what happens in lupus. The cause is not known. Researchers do know that stress, certain viruses, sun, and certain medications can trigger lupus. We don't live in a natural world anymore. Our homes, water, air and food are full of toxic chemicals. All these things put stress on our bodies. But people keep thinking some "natural" cure will provide the "miracle." Why?If your mom had cancer would you skip surgery and chemo and try to heal her by telling her to eat grass? If she had blockages in her arteries would you tell her to go chew on a bush becaue it is 'natural'? Hemlock and arsenic are natural too, and they can kill you. Lupus can range from mild to severe. And lupus still kills people. Is it worth chance? 50% of lupus patients will get kidney disease because of the lupus. There are no symptoms until your kidneys are actually failing. However, a 24 hour urine test for protein excretion with creatine clearance can spot it early when it can be treated. Left untreated, the kidneys ultimately fail requiring dialysis or a transplant. And guess what? Dialysis and transplants both require medication. If she has any of the lupus clotting disorders (anticardiolipin, lupus anticoagulant, antiphospholipid antibodies) she is at high risk for heart attack and stroke. The clotting factors cause "sticky blood." The platelets clump together and can block blood vessels. Some "natural" things like echinacea and alfalfa sprouts are dangerous to lupus patients. It's fine to use complimentary therapies as long as you do it in cooperation with the rheumatologist or treating doctor. If this breakthrough really worked would researchers from all over the world have gathered this past May for the World Lupus Conference? Would millions be spent searching for the cause and cure? I think not. The miracle break through here is that the author is making miraculous piles of money. Please don't risk your mom's health even more by chosing this route.

My mother is 62 years old her feet burn and now her hair is falling out,why?

She has high blood pressure,renal failure,congestive heart failure, and now she is anemic she has to take lasiks to rid her body of fluid and several other medicines
At 62 loosing hairs is a natural, (but not to the extent of baldness).
She is under stress because of her physical status.
Her diseases are also a contributory cause/s to her falling hairs.
The medication/s can also result in falling of hairs.The above all are contributory factors to her falling hairs.
I think the meds are causeing the hair loss the feet having a burning feeling could be because of the toxins in her body, poor circulation and possibly an early sign of diabetes not that she doesnt have enough going on already to worry about, she should tell her doctor though bacause I cant diagnose her and I hope that she starts feeling better soon, take care.
A common side effect of many medication is loss of hair, the burning of her feet may also be a side effect although uncommon. Perhaps discussing with her doctor what medications she is currently taking and ensuring there are no interactions between them causing these problems.
wow ok click on the links below to read about apple cider vineger, blackstarp molasses, and oil pulling. this should actually cure her form most of these things. Bless You!
Burning soles of the feet is a known side effect of statin drugs (cholesterol lowering drugs). (It may be a side effect of other drugs too...I don't know.) Tell her to try rubbing her feet with Absorbine Jr. Some people find it relieves the burning sensation.

My mother in law has liver cancer, I need help with something that is natural that can help her pain.?

My mother in law has liver cancer and she takes hydrocodone every 4 housrs. Sometimes 1 and sometimes 2 at a time. She still feels horrific pain. What is some thing natural that can help her. anything. We have tried but nothing works. Any opinions or suggestions?
Depending on where you live, she can probably get Medicinal Marijuana for the pain. Its natural and will help greatly with the pain and even help her with an appetite if she ends up going through chemotherapy or loses appetite for any other reason.
Ask her doctor for an appointment with a pain management counselor...
try emu oil.and lin -c oil.
Pot or marijuana should help. I mean why hold back now. Maybe you 2 can have some fun and actually bond a little. Tylenol 3 is for extreme pain relief also. But you need a prescription for it.
Tell her doctor she needs more pain relief. They might change the dosage or add some other medicine. Or maybe prescribe something else entirely. I have cancer and hydrocodone doesn't work for me, so I take morphine...and it really works. Most oncologists are very helpful with pain now-days. Your mother-in-law may not be telling her doc about how bad the pain is because she thinks it's "normal." There are also docs who specialize in pain management...her onco should be able to refer her to one.
Bless you for helping her!
Opium/heroin is the only thing I can think of that is natural that will work with advanced liver cancer.Since we don't live in Afghanistan and you unlikely to be willing to find your local drug dealer. I strongly suggest you contact her doctor, she should be on morphine. Its the best shot she has, but to be honest there will be a point where the morphine below the amount required to put her out or in a coma will not control the pain. I watched my father go through it and if it were me going through it I know I would take a very large and unsafe dose of it before I went to the final stages.
I will try and help out as much as possible, My husband Peter had cancer in the mouth and throat, and yes he had a lot of pain, and we tryed every thing from natural to what ever the doctor was giving him, he had 2 operations in his throat and had his tongue cut out, and the cancer just came back and he did pass away just before Christmas on 2006, now it was hell what we all had to go through and the chemo and radiation did not help, and he was in pain all the time the pain just never went away, so I went to the health food store and picked up pure blueberries juices the kind you mix with water, this was for energy, seem to work a little, as for the pain, we try ed every thing natural with no good results, the only thing that helped was the morphine patch now the patch was to last for 3 days but only worked for 2days and then we would change it, if you have not try ed the patch please get it for your mother, and as long as some one is with her and try and keep her in a positive attitude and help her out as much as possible. I hope things work out better for you then it did for my husband, I know I didn't answer the question you wanted to know about but I do not think that there is any natural pain reliever that would work the pain is just to strong. God will be with you and your mother and I will pray for you
I think she needs to speak with her Dr about how the Rx isnt holding her. There are other drugs and she should not be suffering. I dont think there is anything natural as strong as Morphine which may be what she needs. At least you ( or someone) could ask.
Call her oncologist immediately. It is unacceptable for your Mother in Law to be in so much pain. There is such a thing as pain management. She is probably experiencing 'break through pain' and so the doctors need to get that under control. There are guidelines and a protocol to follow. No one should experience this much pain. She may need to go back to the hospital to regain that control.NCCN: Cancer Pain Treatment Guidelines for Patient Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology- Adult Cancer Pain Cancer Pain Control Pain Management
Hydrocodone is a relativly weak pain killer. I am actually surprised she is not on something like oxycontin (oxycodone) or morphine. Definatly talk to the doc about pain managment. Pot will help a lot if she is willing. Essentially loritab, vicodin, tylonal 3 and a couple others are the same thing so that wont help (hydrocodone is their generic, usually in slightly diff doses). I would not suggest doubling or tripling doses on the hydrocodone. The tylonal (Acetaminophen, the generic form of tylenol that is in hydrocodone) can cause liver damage.. Being that she is treated for liver cancer, may not be the best med for pain.There are also meds that are stronger than the ones listed above. Often it is a choice in being in pain and being lucid.

My mother in law had a stroke 2 weeks ago. She is still pretty out of it. Does this sound normal?

Somedays she will node yea or no, but she mostly sleeps all the time. Anyone who has had the same thing happen or know someone will greatly help me out!
hi, I had a stroke 2 yrs. ago at the age of 37. It took me 6 months of physical and occupational therapy and a full year to regain the strength in my right side. Sleeping is normal. I did that alot since it took me a while to complete 1 simple task. Encourage her once her MD clears it, to not give up with the therapies as it does take alot of time and patience. Seek out a support group for stroke victims via the american heart association. That is what I did. I cld their number and asked for someone who lived near me to give me a call to answer my questions.That really made a difference in my recovery as well. To meet a person close to my age who suffered from a stroke plus I attended some of the educational meetings and learned alot ranging from driving again to exercises and diet. My husband went with me seeing as he was taking care of me %26 seeing to it that I got all the help I needed.I am doing much better now but I couldn't have done it without the support from my husband, family, friends, and American Heart Association.
i know someone who had a stroke and now they can't really speak properly. Its usually because of brain damage thats caused by the stroke.
Recovery from a stroke is very unpredictable. It can take a few weeks up to a year. It depends a lot on how bad the stroke was. Below is a link to the National Stroke Association's website. You'll be able to find tons of info there.
Yes. And sometimes the effects of the stroke develop slowly, like over a few weeks. I'm truly sorry. Just be patient and loving and watch her carefully. She can very well get much better and, possibly, recover fully. My friend had one at 36, very young, and it took her, I'd say, about 6 months to get back to normalcy. There are still some things that haven't gotten back to normal , like the full use of her left arm and hand. But we are just grateful to have her with us.
It is normal. How much functionality she will regain really depends on her age, the severity of the stroke , and the location of the stroke. When somebody has a stroke, in meical terms it is a CVA (cerebrovascular accident). Blood pools and clots in an area of the brain and the clot cannot be dissolved; therefore, a rise in blood pressure is seen. This event is traumatic to the body and results in extreme fatigue. As for her being out of it, I would ask the Doctor and medical team taking care of her. Be reassured that they are probably doing everything they can for her.
Unfortunately, often stroke (CVA) victims will never be the same. You can expect slurred speech, limited or no movement of certain body parts, etc. Strokes can vary in severity too, which will often determine the amount of damage. Smaller strokes (TIA) may or may not affect the person noticeably.
I am so sorry. I had a stoke last year that did not leave me with anything but a weaker left side. The actual event and healing after was the hardest part. I had a headache that lasted 15 days. The most I was alive those days were a few hours after waking then the hurt set in and I had to sleep. I remember I slept like 14 hours the first day and each day I was only awake 6 -8 hours in a total 24hour period. I remember having to sleep . That was it. My body was fixing it's self. So if she had a severe stroke then I don't know how shie will feel or be able to do. Do check with doctors and have her see them. They usually want you to do this.
My Mother had a series of strokes over 3 years, and lost just about all her power of movement and speech. But, with a little effort, I could communicate things and she would answer yes or no--she could also smile, and kiss me. She also knew her surroundings (home), could listen to the TV, and could follow some instructions. Hardest thing was accepting that this would never change--it's hard emotionally, but women are equipped to care for people, and accept reality.
She needs nursing and physical therapy in some setting, either at home, or in a nursing home. She needs to be evaluated by a Physical Therapist, Nurse, doctor, etc. She may never improve. But---once the situation is accepted by the family, there is a lot of happiness in visiting and caring for her. You and your family members need instruction in how to care for her, move her, lift her, etc. so that she won't get injured. The last years my Mother lived (she died at 94) were happy, because she knew she was at home, knew I was there, and had no other worries at all.

My mother in law died in 1991. She had multiple sclerosis & had been in a wheel chair for 13 years.?

She had pnuemonia %26 was coughing %26 miseralbe for a few min. untll she fell asleep. A lady came to the house %26 said she had worked with her for some years %26 was just passing through from another state %26 wanted to say hi to her. I woke her so she could say hello to her friend. She seemed to remember her even tho she had just woke up. The lady only stayed about 10 minutes %26 than left. A few minutes later her medicine arrived from the pharmacy. She had fallen back asleep so I tried to awake her to give her the medicine. I had no response from her %26 was frightened so I called the paramedics. They told me to get her out of her chair on to the floor %26 try to find a pulse. I couldn't find one so they had me start CPR. The ambulance arrived 5 min. later. They said she had already passed. Do you think the lady who came was a angel who came to help her pass to the other side who she had known before, %26 since she was sick %26 handicapped she needed help getting to the other side? It seemed strange!
That's a very interesting story! Did you ever catch that ladies name? Maybe you could try looking her up to see if she existed. She said she worked with your you recall where? I suppose in the end however, you can choose to believe whatever you feel in your heart. It may have been fate, or coincendance, or maybe it really was an angel from above. At least you can rest in peace knowing that your MIL did not die alone. Someone was definitely watching over her--you!
You may not like my answer.I think your mother in law died from massive myocardial infraction.She was sick for 13 years and her heart must be very weak with disease.Because the excitement to met a old friend,the heart attack happened.If she not died form after met her old friend she may died from other even.I am sorry to tell you my thinking,I really want you believe what you be live.Why now you mention thing happen 16 years you have some guilt feeling about her death.Don't be! she died from incurable illness.

My mother has skin cancer?

My mom has skin cancer and I'm really scared. She had skin cancer right below her nose, and got that treated. Now she has it on her forehead. Should I be worried? The last time she got her skin cancer treated, she was perfectly fine. Please help?
Not to worry! Skin cancers are sometimes common occurrences in people with light, fair skin. I have just completed the third minor procedure to have a skin cancer removed from my nose. They were all the most simple form called basal cell carcinoma. it's the kind that can be treated with a minor surgical procedure called Moh's surgery.
She should have the one on her forhead checked. If its really a skin cancer, she should have it removed using the Moh's surgery. The surgery is fairly simple and is pain free for the surgery. There might be some minor swelling or pain after while it is healing due to stitches, etc.
There might be a small scar after healing also, but better a scar than cancer!Good luck! take a look at the article in the link. It's very well done.
If she has good doctors and takes good care she will do fine.
how old is she? If she is not that old. I would get checked out also!
As long as they're treated early, there is no reason to worry. She should see her dermatologist at least every six months for a check up and otherwise follow their recommendations. Your mom probably spent a lot of time in the sun when she was young, and sometimes this happens.
i'm sorry about your mom, don't worry about it, kemo and radiology work lots of the time. i think she willbe okay, don't worry. it will be fine.
Hey, your not alone. My mom also had skin cancer on the back of her neck. What the dermatologist did was remove it completely and she goes in for check-ups from time to time, but in the end everything turned out alright. I'm sure your mom will do fine again, nothing to be worried about.
My sister has skin cancer and has had an awful lot of problems that keep coming back, she used to live in the UK but now lives in Australia. She is having treatment and staying positive, she has the support of her son and husband. All you can do is support her, dont panic, and keep looking on the net as there are always new treatments coming up...Good Luck to your Mum and Well Done to you for caring so much xx
im hate to hear that and yer mom will be ok so dont worry.
yer mom sound like shes a strong woman and the docters will take good care of her and im sorry about that.
that really depends on the type of the cancer, but if she has a relapse of the problem that is not a good sign, there are treatments but she attention , so i sugest take her to the specialist quickly and start treatment fast
See what all that tanning can do to your skin?..
Hey I am sorry about your mom but she'll
be just fine if it can be treated. Just talk to
your dad about it and he will tell you the same
I know, natural aloe-vera is good for skin cancer.
Hi, you should be optimistic before your mother, because she feels 10 times worse than you.You may help her to find a good speciality doctor for skin cancer treatment.You are also suggested to visit "" which provides you some information about skin cancer and the diet suggested for the patient.
Consider this when considering all the other ideas - 10 - Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer specialist came out with a paper that said the best cancer/infection fighter found to date was Interferon. At the time it was $15,000 a gram. The paper also said that Interferon was a by-product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your body. Shortly after that the FDA tried to make Vitamin C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA has the RDA for Vitamin C set at 64 mg a day, just enough to ward off scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vitamin C and a second Nobel Prize for Organic Chemistry, said that 1000 mg a day should be the minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick or smoke. 36 He played tennis almost daily until the day he died at 96. Personally, I got sick twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, for more than 20 years, with something to this day the doctors have no idea what it was, but for a week in the middle of those 2 weeks I was flat on my back. I started Vitamin C therapy once I gave up on the doctors. I took enough to be asymptomatic for those 2 weeks. 37 Too much and I got diarrhea and too little and I got sick. Within a narrow range, and it followed a bell curve over those 2 weeks, I was not sick. At the height I was taking 40,000 mg a day and 300,000 over the 2 weeks. After 2 years of that I have not been sick since 鈥?more than 15 years. (If you find this useful, copy it and give it to a friend. Somebody got to Yahoo and they delete this as soon as they find it) Vitamin C acts as a natural diuretic so you need to drink a lot of water and watch your body in total, but my kidneys did not dissolve as the doctors predicted, or get massive kidney stones as other predicted. I did not dissolve my bones as some predicted or completely calcify my joints as others predicted. 38 I had no side effects at all. It might be something to consider.

My Mother has Pancreatic Cancer...what now?

My Mother has stage III Pancreatic Cancer. She had surgery 2 weeks ago and the Surgeon stated that the tumor could NOT be removed and that it was inoperable. We are trying to get her into The City of Hope Hospital in Duarte, CA. to gain a second opinion and treatment. In the meantime, we have a Oncologist appointment next Friday to consult us on diagnosis, treatment and next steps.Knowing this, are there any steps we can be taking NOW to slow down the growth, special nutrition/diet she should be following, steps I should be taking as her Son, multi-vitamins she could be taking, Excercise or mental strengthening she could be performing?Anything, please...I am not ready to accept this as a death sentence!!
Pancreatic cancer, primarily ductal adenocarcinoma, accounts for about 30,500 cases and 29,700 deaths in the US annually. Symptoms include weight loss, abdominal pain, and jaundice. Diagnosis is by CT. Treatment is surgical resection and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Prognosis is poor because disease is often advanced at the time of diagnosis.
For pancreatic cancer that cannot be removed completely with surgery, or cancer that has spread beyond the pancreas, cure is not currently possible and the average survival is usually less than 1 year. Such patients might consider enrollment in a clinical trial (a medical research study to determine the best treatment). Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising may be helpful. Additionally, increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while decreasing red meat intake is recommended by the American Cancer Society.
Please see the web pages for more details on Pancreatic cancer and Diet-cancer treatment.
you should love your mom with all your heart, comfort her, and be there with her. you should also be strong for her. if ya'll are religious, prey! my heart goes out to you and your strong my man!
Get the natural nutrition and diet. Also do some exercise.
If you ever take up Psychology, you will learn about death and dying. There are several stages in this.1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Fear 4. Acceptance. There are a few others too. There is nothing you can do to slow down or stop the progression on pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic is the most fatal type and the most complex type of cancer. It is only normal to feel this way. I know how you feel, but when cancer hits home, it is hard to accept. My great Aunt, who was like a 2nd mom had uterine cancer. She got her uterus removes at the age of 81, She was fine for about a year and 1/2, but her cancer came back, but this time it was her stomach and intestines. She passed away this past mother's day. It was devastating for all of us to see her laying in hospice because she was always active. All you can do is be there for your mother, and give her the strength and support she needs. Try to keep her as comfortable as possible. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

My mother has cancer in the throat area that one doctor has said already metastasize in both lymp nodes?

he said it's papillary cancer, stage four. he said it is slow growing, but we saw that in a matter of 5 months, it had really grown considerably. the doctor did not advise surgery anymore because of the risk re.: age (she's 73). now my mother is in the US and the doctors there said that it has to be taken out, otherwise it will choke her. she's scheduled fo MRI on the 24th and will then proceed to surgery. ny question is which doctor is correct?
Papillary cancer is the most common of the thyroid cancers. So this is what I found: Yes, surgery is the main treatment.Thyroid cancer Treatment

Date updated: April 04, 2005
Content provided by
Surgery is the main treatment for most types of thyroid cancer, but other therapies may vary, depending on the type of thyroid cancer you have.Papillary and follicular thyroid cancers
The best type of surgery for follicular and papillary thyroid cancers was once a matter of debate. Now most experts agree that the optimal treatment is near-total thyroidectomy - an operation that removes practically the entire thyroid with the exception of small rims of tissue around the parathyroid glands to reduce the risk of parathyroid damage. If you have enlarged lymph nodes as a result of thyroid cancer, your operation may be extended to remove the affected lymph nodes. In some cases, this may mean exploring and removing enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of your neck. Cancer is less likely to return or spread after thyroidectomy than after less complete operations, and in experienced hands, the risks of the surgery are low.Good luck, had cancer twice, so my blessings go out to you.
he is right-------------sorry for mum. in my prayers.
well ,,the clincial stage 4 ,and papilary cancer means primary is thyroid..,,requests palliative treatment ,,i think ,curative is hard to achieve ,,so if he does any surgery to improve quality of life ,i think its fine,.,...
The doc in the USA is correct in my opinion! My sister in law had this happen twice, although she is younger (52). She survived both times even tho they didn't think so the second time out. Today, 3 years later, she lives a happy full healthy life.Good Luck to mom and we'll pray for her.
Sounds like a 50-50 risk no matter what...sounds like you're going to need a third opinion on that one. She could just be put on intubation, but that would require her to be unconscious for the rest of her time. Call another doctor and get a third opinion, and I hope your mother will be okay.
You can check the National Comprehense Cancer Network to see what protocols are offered for this type of cancer:NCCN: Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology - Thyroid Carcinoma best care your mother should be seen at a designated comprehensive cancer center in your area. These universities and research hospitals network with each other for the lastest advances in oncology:Cancer Centers List might want to contact other patients who may offer better advice too:ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer
Survivors' Association, Inc. join a Listserv group for support and information about this disease:ACOR: The Thyroid Cancer Online Support Group luck to you.
sorry to tell you this but the us doctor is right my husband has the same cancer and when they found it they said they would get him to surgery fast because of the same reason good luck most of the time it calls for a radical neck dissection which is very bad and carrys a lot of risks but my husband had the same surgery done then radiation then chemo
As a recent thyroid cancer survivor I can tell you that the cancer itself may not be the issue so much as your mother's age and the risk of surgery. The US dr is likely correct, and at a stage 4 she will likely require a radical neck dissection and radioactive iodine treatment. There are a couple of great sites for thyroid cancer, one of which is an excellent yahoo support group that I belong to. I would highly recommend joining. Best wishes.

My mother has Alzheimer's...?

Has anyone out there with a loved one in the same situation ever experianced something like a total recovery from this illness. I sure miss my talks with her. Please be nice.
Sorry about your mother. My grandfather had Alzheimer's too. It affects different people in different ways; some people progress really quickly while others have a very slow progression of the disease. In the beginning your mom will probably be like herself most of the time, and eventually it will get worse, to where most of the time she won't be like herself. There is no cure for Alzheimer's, but there are medications that can slow down the progression of it. Alzheimer's causes lesions to form on the brain, which are basically like scars. The deteriorate areas of the brain when they form. With the loss of those areas of the brain comes the loss of memories and eventually the loss of function and dementia. So the chances of a total recovery aren't very good. The brain would have to re-form those areas that the lesions formed on. I'm sorry, I know this is hard to hear, but I think it's harder to not know what to expect. Just enjoy all the time you can with your mom. My grandfather had Alzheimer's for about 10 years before he passed away.
Aw, I'm really sorry. There are medications she can take, it isn't positive that she will come out of it. Just be her friend and be there for her. Daily life can be hard with such things as forgetting where you live.
I'm really sorry. I work with people with such diseases and things. I don't think she can fully come out of it, but there are some medications out there that may help her not to lose full memory loss.
I am so sorry about your mother. They do have lucid times in the early stages, with the new medication some do well for a while. Remember those great times with her, that's what I would want. I have never known of anyone to recover from Alzheimer's. There is no cure, but lots and lots of research going on. That is a great thing. Maybe... you never give up hope.

My mother diagnosed with lead and mercury poisoning. HELP!!?!?

Her naturopath called her with urine lab results and said she should make an appt to be seen next week. I thought this was urgent. Over the last year she has lost the ability to walk and talking is getting very difficult for her. She went from 140 lbs to 85lbs. Initially she was diagnosed w/ Motor Neuron's disease but I am skeptical because she said her naturopath gave her an injection before collecting her 24 urine. She didn't know what was in the injection and I am suspecting that he put something in it to give her the lab results. What labs are normally taken to diagnose lead and mercury poisoning and what is the normal treatment. Are her symptoms indicative of lead and mercury poisoning? ANY help is appreciated because we just want to know what we should expect. Thank you all for reading and aswering.
Well, lead and mercury poisoning have a lot of other symptoms - you get the general sick feeling, as well as dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in ears), loss of feeling in the hands and feet. Treatment for this includes drugs such as dimercaprol, and chelating agents. Lead/Mercury poisoning are REALLY rare - why do you suspect it? If you want to find out more about it, go to - I used it for college, and it's really good.
Hope she feels better soon.
When heavy metal poisoning is suspected, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible to minimize long-term damage to the patient's nervous system and digestive tract. Heavy metal poisoning is considered a medical emergency, and the patient should be taken to a hospital emergency room.The treatment for most heavy metal poisoning is chelation therapy. A chelating agent specific to the metal involved is given either orally, intramuscularly, or intravenously. The three most common chelating agents are calcium disodium edetate, dimercaprol (BAL), and penicillamine. The chelating agent encircles and binds to the metal in the body's tissues, forming a complex; that complex is then released from the tissue to travel in the bloodstream. The complex is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. This process may be lengthy and painful, and typically requires hospitalization. Chelation therapy is effective in treating lead, mercury, and arsenic poisoning, but is not useful in treating cadmium poisoning. To date, no treatment has been proven effective for cadmium poisoning. Thallium poisoning is treated with a combination of Prussian blue (potassium ferric hexacyanoferrate) and a diuretic, because about 35% of it is excreted in the urine; however, if treatment is not started within 72 hours of ingesting the poisoning, damage to the patient's nervous system may be permanent.In cases of acute mercury, arsenic, or thallium ingestion, vomiting may be induced. Activated charcoal may be given in cases of thallium poisoning. Washing out the stomach (gastric lavage) may also be useful. The patient may also require treatment such as intravenous fluids for such complications of poisoning as shock, anemia, and kidney failure.Patients who have taken arsenic, thallium, or mercury in a suicide attempt will be seen by a psychiatrist as part of emergency treatment.PrognosisThe chelation process can only halt further effects of the poisoning; it cannot reverse neurological damage already sustained.

My mosquito bites are leaving scars?

I went to Texas for vacation about 2 weeks ago, and while I was there I got seven mosquito bites. They are starting to heal, but I think they might be leaving scars. They are small and pink, how can I get rid of them?
I also get scars from mosquito bites. I hate them. I have terrible allergic reactions to the bites and the scars last for weeks sometimes months before they start to fade. There is a product called Mederma that really helps with fading scars. It will help a lot.
Do not scratch! they should heal up and go away on their own. taking benadryl should stop the itch- or applying calamine lotion or cortisone cream- but the biggest deal it DO NOT SCRATCH! that should prevent scaring- db

My mom's getting her gull bladder taken out, and I'm worried!?

My mom is getting her gull bladder removed tonight, by surgery, and I'm very worried! Will anything happen? Are there big risks in surgeries like that? I love her to death, and I dont want anything to happen to her! Please tell me by tonight, Friday the 13th.
Men! Nothings to worry. I agree to one of the guy who prayed for your mother... We all pray for things like this. I believe that your mom will be okay and God will protect your mother even you... Tell to your mother that we all believe she's gonna be fine
Gull bladder surgery is safe.
No this is a very simple surgery for doctors. The chances of something to go wrong are so minute that you should worry more about the car ride to the hospital than the surgery.Gallbladder surgery is one of the most common procedures done in the United States daily.
my mom had to have hers taken out...don't worry too much about it she'll be fine
It's GALL bladder, not gull bladder. Unless your mom is a seagull.
My sister had her's removed without complications. A co-worker had her's removed and was back in the office within 2 days. Your mom will be fine. All the best.
people do this surgery using robots now, i saw it on tv, don't worry i'm sure she'll be fine
As with all surgeries, there are certain risks. However, gall bladder surgery is a pretty standard, low-risk operation. She will be sore and want to take it easy for a week or two, but other than that, your mom will be as good as new.
If they are doing the procedure laparoscopically, it is a fairly simple deal with a relatively quick recovery time. If they have to do traditional surgery, her recovery will be longer and more painful. Either way, gallbladder surgery is very common, so docs have a lot of experience. With all surgeries there is risk, but I think the risk here is fairly minimal. Try not to worry.
All will be ok! if she doesn't have it removed, there will be serious consequences to her health. and the only serious risk of any kind of surgery is usually an infection at the incision site. I will pray for you both and good luck!
I had my gallbladder removed 3 yrs ago and it was a very easy surgery. It was an outpatient procedure and I was sore for a few days but recovered very quickly. Try not to worry too much. If she's like me they will go in through a small incision above her belly and they will pull the gallbladder out through the same small incision. You'll be surprised at how easy it is.
Hi, LM. Please do not worry about your mom. Gall bladder surgery is very common now, and the surgeons who do it have done it hundreds of times. Very, very rarely does it result in complications, and even if it does, the doctors have seen all ot those, too, and will be able to take action immediately. In many cases, this is now an out-patient surgery because they have got it down so well. I don't know if you are a spiritual person or not, and it really isn't my business, but if you are spiritual, pray for your mother's safety and trust that the doctors are really good at this and will do a great job and plan for any contingencies.
don't worry honey, she will be fine. They can do it now so much more easily than before. I have to have mine out July 31st. My dad has his out and brother. they all did fine and they are cowards as well as me. Don't worry. God is in control. Forget Friday the 13th. that is nonscense.
It is natural to worry when a loved one goes into surgery. Focus on the fact that this surgery will improve her life. Here is a little prayer that I will say for you:Dear Lord:We are so thankful that in times of worry and stress, we can call on your for help. You are our peace and our saving grace. Father, you knew that this surgery was going to happen and we are confident that this is your perfect plan for this mother. We thank you for sending your angels to watch over her. Give the doctor's the necessary energy and decision making skills needed for this surgery to be a success. Lord, please give her family peace and help them not to worry. We know there is no need because you have everything under control. I pray that when she comes out of surgery, all is well. I pray for a speedy recovery and minimal pain.We ask all of these things in Jesus鈥?name. Amen!I hope this helps!
Nothing to worry about. There are always risks, but this is a very widely done procedure. I had mine out while I was 6 months pregnant. Your mom should be fine. Wish you both the best, surgery is never fun.

My mom stepped on a nail, what should I do?

Take her to a Dr. I did that once, and the Dr. had to clean out bits of the shoe sole and my sock from the hole. I also got a tetanus shot, and some pain pills.
Get her to a Dr.!
tetanus shot
This really hurts, and more so tomorrow or the next few days.
Clean the area - with warm clean water - add peroxide and some antibiotic ointment keep covered, wear a clean sock
and make sure she's had a tetnus shot they last over 5-10 years make sure she checks in to knowing when her last one was.. so see an MD - if she isn't sure.

My mom is smokeing?

ever since i was in the 1rst grade my mom has been smoking and I've always been trying 2 stop her (never worked). plz plz help! i don't want her 2 die before she is 60!!
There is nothing you can do about your mom smoking - it is just one of those things where the person has to be THE ONE who stops it herself. For one thing, it is a chemical addiction.But you should certainly take steps to protect yourself from any second hand smoke from her smoking, and insist that she smoke in areas that are not around you.Google "second hand smoke" and find a good site or two that discusses this, and then show your mom that she is harming more than just herself. A lot of times, a person who smokes needs gentle pressure from a variety of sources to nudge them into quitting.
Your concern is well placed, The love you show by this is great. Unfortunately, there is really nothing you can do to stop her. As long as she is able to get cigarettes and wants to smoke, she will. You can ask, beg and plead but she has to make the decision for her self.I know it is difficult for you to see this and all that can happen to her. The best you can do is continue to show your love and support. Encourage her to get help. There are many options your doctor can provide to help her quit. But she must be ready before any will work.Terry
Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there. That's bad enough, but it's all the other junk they put in cigs that are more of a concern, like the tar that turns your baby pink lungs tar brown. Ammonia is added for some reason too, probably taste or a preservative. It's not easy to start smoking because it doesn't agree with you, and it's really hard to stop. It's not only an addictive but can lead to death. On one side of a pack of Marlboro cigs it gives the gov ordered warning and on the other it lists a phone and web address for special offers. If they really listed what is in them, well, I guess they would be giving away their trade secrets and tobacco is not only a huge economy world wide but subsidized by the government. Try calling 1-800-627-5200 and ask why smoking is a serious risk to your health. Do some research and present it to your ma. Keep telling her.

My mom is sick with something. AND I'M AFRAID THAT I WILL GET SICK!?

Ok, about 2 days ago my mom started sneezing and coughing and today she said to have a fever and I think I heard her vomit. I'm afraid of vomit in every way. I'm afraid to get sick in any way too. So, basically I'm having a panic attack right now. Is there ANY WAY that I can prevent myself from the horrific event? I have tried EVERYTHING to avoid being in my house and there's nothing I can do!
Is there something I can do to prevent myself from getting even a little bit sick? If there is PLEASE tell me! PLEASE!!!
I totally understand how you feel! (And of course you care about your Mom!) There are a few other question on here about vomit phobia, so it is quite common.To control your fears and panic, try the following steps:1.Breathe properly - if you control your breathing, you control panic. As soon as you notice the signs of anxiety, check your breathing: breathe in slowly through your nose pushing your tummy out (to the count of 5 or so). Breathe out slowly and for a bit longer (to the count of 7 or so) through your mouth. Do not breathe rapidly or shallowly (in the chest area). This will soon restore the balance of oxygen and you will feel a lot better. 2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! CBT is proven to be the most effective thing for panic attacks and phobias. It takes a bit of work, but it is super effective. You can speak to your doctor about taking a course or you can take a course for free online at: It has been funded by NHS Scotland and has had great results thus far. 3. Try relaxation exercise tapes (progressive muscular relaxation). They really help if you practise often enough. This site has instructions on how to do it without the tapes (and other useful info): each of these steps, practise makes perfect. I hope this helps and you and your Mom feel better soon. Don鈥檛 give up hope! Best of luck!
It's not about you. Your mom is sick and could probably use your help. Where was your mama when you've been sick? Was she staying out of the house with fear you might make her sick too? You need Psychological help. You have a bigger problem then sneezing, coughing, fever and vomiting.
Eat healthy - NO SUGAR! Sugar lowers the immune system for days, and that's the part of your body that keeps you healthy.Drink lots of water. No pop - not even sugar free. Get plenty of rest at night - no late night phone chats or movies, etc. Sleep.Exercise in fresh air and sunshine. Open your windows - your body needs fresh air at night, too.Wash your hands before touching your face or eating. Wash often.Don't let her cough on you.
Your problem isn't getting sick. Your problem is fear. You need to get control of it. Whether is by counseling, medication if it's a chemical imbalance, or whatever it takes. You're too obsessive about it.
Your mom probably just has a virus. Most "stomach bugs" are self-limited, meaning they go away after a day or two all on their own. Your mom will recover soon, most probably. However, if she continues to be sick, she will need your help getting to an urgent care facility or your family doctor's office.Washing your hands and good sleep are two of the best things anyone can do to ward off seasonal "bugs".
If you have a panic attack just from someone else getting sick, you probably have a phobia for contracting illness. I suggest a psychologist because this could be serious.
There's no way to make sure that you will not contract the disease if it is contagious. You can only keep yourself very clean by washing your hands and drinking more water.
Remember to take your mother to the clinic if she doesn't recover. She would have done the same thing for you.
Are you the least bit concerned about your mother ? My mom is dead but I wish she were here , healthy or not. I would love to take care of her again.

My Mom is diabetic and now she's diagnosed with osteoclast. They need to do surgery on her big toe.?

Please help me. I dont want her to undergo surgery because she's scared that it might trigger bigger problems for her because she's diabetic. Who here has had the same condition that bone has inflammed and doctor suggested to cut away the infected bone? Is it the only way? Can we have other options? Thank you so much
i do not want to scare you but let me tell you my story. i had a infection in the heel bone and i tried to get it to heal with a lot of medicines. all i did was make it worse. once the infection is in the bone the only way to get rid of it is to cut it out. i wasted so much time that i ended up losing my left leg. i would tell your om to have the toe removed before it spreads any father in her foot or up her leg. i wear an artificial leg and i do very well but i do not want your mom to go Thur what i went Thur.i pray that she will make the right decisions i will pray also for a speedy recovery.
Your mom should go to another specialist and get a second opinion. This is true for anyone, but especially those with health conditions that could cause complications.
Diabetics have high risk of infections to develop during their post-diagnosed lives. Consult your physician to double check it is a bone infection. It seems that you and your mother may not be confident or may not trust in the doctor who is actually seen her. You have the right to look for the specialist who you two feel more confident in. Remember, don't make time your worst enemy, there is condition called "Diabetic Foot" that may require soon intervention. A missing toe may not be noticed, beware of the Diabetic Foot. Wish you two well.
She has been diagnosed with osteomyelitis, an infection in the bone.This is typically difficult to eradicate in the healthly person. However, with diabetes, it becomes incredibly difficult. Diabetics have poor healing with infection and decreased blood flow in the smaller vessels.The reason they doctor suggested amputation of the infected bone, is because without doing so, the bacteria infection could spread to the blood stream. This would cause sepsis and your mom would get very sick! She would be worse off being septic then losing her toe.This is all about benefits vs risks. Her doctor should have gone through the pros and cons. Personally, I would think that the amputation has more benefits than risking a blood infection and sepsis. However, this is something that needs to be discussed with her doctors.

My mom has Unterne Cancer and has 3 months left the doctor said?

im the oldest daughter of two and i dont know what to do for my mom, she is all i have. i have to do everything i can for her but i dont know where to start to her her beat this. her breathing is getting really shallow and its getting increasingly hard for her to walk. any nurses or doctors out there?
It might sound callous and uncaring but - Deal with it.The sooner you start to realise that it she is going to die the better off you will be. Rather than looking for miracle cures and hoping for the best.It is best to be prepared for the worst, and treat everything else as a gift.I sympathise, I really do, but she is going to die, you are not, you are the one who has to go on. She will probably come to terms with it well before you do.Be strong, create some happy memories of the time you have left, but accept it./
Nothing you can do, shes gona die, deal with it. Try to make last peace with her and do fun things that you can cherish forever.
I am so sorry sweetie! You will see her again and very soon.JOHN 5:28-29 28聽Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29聽and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.The resurrection is going to start very shortly. All those we have lost in death will live again. You could benefit so very much from a study of the Bible. Learn what the Bible really teaches about death. Death is only temporary. You will see her again, right here on earth.
PSALM 37:11 .聽.聽.But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.I will be glad to assist you. I can mail you something that will be the greatest information you'll ever receive. I will send it free, to any address you give me. If you are afraid to give me an address, look up in your phone book under Jehovah's Witnesses. Ask them to bring you a copy of "What does the Bible Really Teach." Or stop by any Kingdom Hall during services. Ask the attendant for the book. They will not charge you anything for it.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this, it's not easy and I pray God will give you peace. It sounds like there really isn't much you can do at this point. If it were my mom I would make sure she is saved and going to heaven. The sinners prayer is very easy to say. Just ask for forgiveness of your sins and except him into your heart. If your mom is already a Christian then you will see her again and she will be okay. Look at it this way her last breath on earth will be her first breath in heaven. I am so sorry you had to read some of the other answers people can be really rude and hateful. Try to keep your head up and just let your mom know how much you love her.
God Bless You and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear that sweetie, my mom died of breast cancer 14 yrs ago...All you can do is be there for her and let her know how much you love her...Remember the good times you have had with your mom...God Bless you...and I hope time will lessen your pain

My mom has MRSA and i dont want to get it?

how do i prevent infection i have pretty much bathed in sanitizer and i feel unsafe in my own home. my mom caught it early and will be treated but until then what can i do?
She needs to stay isolated from the rest of your family until this is under control. Bleach everything in your home or sanitize as you have. Wash clothes separately and dry in HOT dryer. Burn what you can and boil what you can. Have her use disposable plates and cutlery and then burn them. Wash your hands all the time, and just use lots of bleach on every surface.
stay away!!!! runnn!!!!
This information came straight from a specialist.Wash your clothes separate to your mums, use napisan in washing water to kill germs or hot water wash. Use your own towel Its not like the flue just be hygienic better still talk to your Dr about it. Don't stress too much. Good luck to your poor mum.
let's consult with a reliable physicion as soon as possible%26about ur she receiving her antibiotics regularly?..she must be so awared of that..if not being treated she would be a candidate of VISA infections...that's even worse..what does her doctor suggest u as a prophilactic treatment?
Start using the hand sanitizer that is a gel and dries on its own. Use it all the time. Wash the tub and shower in Clorox after it has been used, before you get into it. Be sure to not use any towels, etc. that your mom has used. Keep washing all those towels, etc. in clorox. My son was covered with MRSA and I did not catch it, because, I was SO careful with everything he used or touched. I became the Clorox Queen, but, I stayed free of MRSA. If you live with your mom, wash her bed sheets and pillow cases in Clorox each, she won't reinfect herself. Keep washing your hands and arms with the sanitary gel......soap and water doesn't hurt, either! You don't have to get it, if you keep up the washing of yourself, and keep using Clorox in the bathroom.

My mom has Diabetes, Breast cancer, and arthritis?

what r the chances of me having any of these? i just found out and dont know of anything else she is hiding. i just turned 14.
You are right to be concerned about your mom and about your health as well. However please do not worry about things you may or may not get. You are quite young yet. If your mom is a type II Diabetic, that means she contracted it in adulthood most likely by behaviors and poor weight control. (I have Type II) So you can limit your risk by staying physically fit and making HEALTHY eating choices. The breast cancer is something your mom or you cannot control. And if your mom is heavier, it can lead to arthritis in the joints. I have that as well. I hope you just don't worry yourself to death sweetheart. It'll all work out. :o)
Poor woman!! You may inherit these conditions, and you may not. Your 14 now, have regular check ups and talk to your Dr.
That's all you can do at this time.
Well, I wish you the best and I hope you don't get any of these. You can talk to me I'm also 14 years old.
It's possible for you to inherit all of these, but that doesn't mean that you will.Don't spend your time stressing over it because there is nothing you can do about it at this point in time.See your doctor on a regular basis and make sure they know that these diseases are in your family.
have her take blackstrap molasses, apple cider vinger, and have her do oil pulling, it will CURE her! go to this link for blackstrap molasses(BSM): to this link for apple cider vinger(acv): to this link for oiling pulling: websites are amazing! God bless!

My mom has Dementia and has been going thru some odd behavioral, she talks about things that aren't true now s

is this normal, what more should we expect
Sorry to hear that.
Don't avoid your mother, act normal to her still do things with her go to the park a lot with her and be very patience.
Yes this is normal.
I wish you both the best and make the best of it.
She should be seeing a physician (internal medicine or neurologist) for management of her dementia. Hopefully she has been evaluated and diagnosed with a condition that explains her dementia (Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Frontotemporal etc) using brain imaging (CT/MRI). There are medications that are used to slow the progression of dementia and the progress should be measured with routine mental status examinations. The endpoint of dementia tends to be residence in a nursing home, however progression can be slowed with good care.
BlessYes this is normal.She may in time forget who you and other family and friends are, this can come and go.She may become agitated and/or aggressive for no reason.You will need the support of your doctor and family and friendsThinking of you
I'm certain a doctor has diagnosed your mother's dementia - but neglected to get you information about what it will be like.One thing I would note is that trying to correct the falacies your mom believes will lead to more frustration for both of you. Obviously everyone handles these situation the best they can, but for me, after a few go-rounds where I pointed out that their belief didn't work logically, I realized that they can't help what they believe - and trying to correct their thoughts through logic simply doesn't work.Find a support group for people caring for their parents, or if your mom has been diagnosed with a specific illness, like Alzheimer's, a support group for people caring for Alzheimer's patients. The other group members will not only understand what's going on, they will tell you what works, what doesn't work, and what to try next.As for what you can expect, it really depends on both your mom and her disease.
Good luck.

My mom has cancer?

i was a 12 year old girl with a normal life and i went to the the big city eavry weekend but now i go once a .to many things have changed my mom crys evry day and i feel bad=( got and advice for me?
babe, my best firnd died from leukemia. best thing to do is remeber your mom wouldnt want you to cry. she loves you and shell never leave you. the pain will fade when you let it. your mom loves you, and you know she misses you too, but shes happier now. i never got to say good bye to my friend. she was diagnosed on her bday. i didnt know until weeks later. i learned that shes watching me, and she doesnt want me to cry. you must learn the same. we just need to move on. we'll see them in quite a bit, but we cant let pain run our lives. dont forget her, just forget the pain. its what she would want.
I hope she beats it.
just pray that she will be alright. there are a lot of treatments for cancer these days, just hope she'll be alright.
I'm hoping for the best to happen for you and your Mom.
first off let me say that Im sry to here about this...second be strong for your mom and just make sure she knows your here for her..pray and god will hear u out I hope everything worksout take care
hope your mom feels better soon and i will call the doctor for you
advise her to take linseed oil or flaxseed, this gets rid of the cancer or prevents more damage. its a natural cure, better than chemotherapy. She also must do a whole body cleanse . right now her body is toxic, but isf she cleanses all of her organs ,colon,liver,kidneys,gall bladder pancreas,blood stream, she can completely eliminate her cancer. you can cleanse her by buying all natural products online.
Hang in there! Your mom will survive!
Have you told her to try Cancer Centers of America ? What type of cancer does she have ? What stage is she in ? My mother also had it. She passed away in 2001 and the last thing she was talking about was Angels. So,I know my mom is watching over me as my guardian angel. I thought I could not go on at that time. My son was in 6th grade and my husband served me divorce papers. But,you can go on ! Try to do some memorable things with your mom. Go to the park and feed the ducks,out to dinner,watch a movie. Anything that gets both your minds off of it for a little while. I wish I had done more with her. Sorry to hear about your Mom.

My mom has cancer?

Last week we found out that my mom has cancer. She's very sick now and can barely even walk. She's supposed to get chemo therapy and stuff, but the doctor's are being sooo slow, it takes 3 weeks for one test, 6 weeks for another, so I don't know when they're going to do it. I'm very scared and don't know what to think.I'm 14 years old and don't think I can live without my mom :(
I Pray to God For Her to be Healthy...
call the local American Cancer Society and ask them to give you information on a support group for children.
im sorry. just spend alot of time with her and do fun things that she is able to do to show how much you love her.
%26%26 do simple things around the house like chores without being asked.
talk to her about how scared you are.
%26%26 pray.
i'm 15.
i dont think i could live without my mom either.
I am soo sorry to hear about your mom. I will pray for your mother to get better. I am sure she will get the best treatment possible, so that she can fight this cancer. What you need to do is fight with your mother, have her fight this. Keep her happy and always be there for her. Always keep her optimistic, as well as yourself. Your mother will fight this and come out of this strong.
i sarry to hear that tell her to use lene c oil and resveation treat ment is posion it will not help her and also use emu oil my firend die from cancer in october hand he got the resveation treatment and die. so tell her to only use lene c oil and emu oil. good luck.
Its so scary when parents get sick, Pray and ask God to watch over her, and He will. Help around the house, do chores, make her comfortable. Such help will raise her morale, lower her stress and show how much you value her. Be strong little one. love sc
No matter what happens with the doctors and the tests and stuff, right now your Mom needs you like she never has before. You don't have to be strong (that's a crock), you just need to be YOU.the daughter that she adores and wants to spend as much time with as possible.There is nothing you can do to speed up the medical process so try not to stress about that. Concentrate on what you CAN do. Your Mom might enjoy maybe listening to some music together - you pick a song, then she picks a song, and then you pick a song...etc. I'll bet she has some great stories about how she met your Dad and where they went on their first date. Why don't you ask her about what kind of a person she was when she was your age? Did she ever dream about having a lovely daughter like you? Did she want to be an astronaut?I know she will love talking to you. It is okay to be scared. This is a scary time. Don't shut out your Dad (if he is around) 'cause he is scared too. You all need each other.Please let us know how things are going.
Just today the doctor's found a breast cancer tumor in my mom's right breast; I know how you feel. Right now my mom's case isn't that serious, but we all know how cancer is...I hope it does not get worse. I couldn't live without either of my parents and I'm 17, I love them dearly. The doctors should be moving faster for that type of malignant cancer, you should try contacting cancer foundations and organizations to help support and/or recommend good, fast doctors. One cannot be slow when it comes to treating cancer.Cancer is like wildfire, once it starts, all it does is spread...and I am not going to mention the rest.I'm not super religious, but lets hope and pray that every cancer patient survives and lives a healthy, fulfilling life!
Cancer is not always a death sentence. I lost my mom last year to lung cancer (her second time with it). I can't imagine what it feels to you at your age. The tests do take time. Her doctor should be able to explain what other outcomes of this type of cancer has been for other patients. Hang in there! Love her while you have her. PRAY and PRAY! God always will talk with you!
Your mother needs your support now and if she's having a hard time even walking she may not be getting the nutrition she will definately need for chemo etc. Get her some Boost Plus it has extra protein in it and lots of fruit and whole grain cereals, yogourt etc. If she can't eat at least have drink the boost. The doctors may be waiting a bit to make sure she is strong enough to have chemo. When I told my sons I had cancer it was so hard on them but they are supporting me now in so many ways and the big one was eating properly, I wasn't I was so worried about everyone but myself. Be strong and when you need to cry then cry. Find a Cancer Society and locate one of the Social Workers for you and your mom there are so many thoughts and terrors a family faces when this disease hits get all the help you can. God bless you and I will pray for your mother and you. Pearlo
I'm very sorry for your situation. My mom had melanoma before I was born and survived (I am 23 now). I am constantly worried that she will get cancer again and I will lose her. If you have questions about her treatment, ask the doctors to explain what's going on. Also, find out about support groups in your area, and if you go to church, go to your minister for support as well. Talk to your mom, both about her illness and about other stuff. I promise, you can live without your mom, but don't waste time now worrying about later. When later comes, you can deal with it then, because nothing you can do now will prepare you for it. Good luck to you and your family.
my aunt has cancer. we found out two weeks agoi feel really sorry for you and i know that telling you to go on doing what u were doing and living like everythings normal wont work
try spending more time with your mom ... learn more about the type of cancer she has
god blees u and ur parents
i had the same problem about 2 years ago. all I can say is pray. My mom is cured and yours will be too. When i found out i did not believe it and went on with my life and I think that was God. Don't worry there are many good docs. out there that have the gift to cure your mom. Say a novena if you are cathloic. I'll pray for her. My mom had the same exact thing. wE had hospital things in our house and she was like totally out of it. BUt dont worry you have people right by your side. Ill pray for you and your mom. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.
honey, im so sorry for you and your mom. what kind of cancer does she have?? if you need to talk, i may be able to help. you can write me, or im me. both my parents had cancer, and my husband also had cancer, so i do know what you are going through!
every thing depends on the type of cancer, and the stage it is in, good luck, and hang in there.
youve got a long road ahead of you at 14 do you have a trusted family member that can step in and help her get started in the right direction.Push the doctors if one is not going fast enough they find one who will set things going faster. There are good doctors. Look in the yellow pages or go to the hospital and find on from a directory of doctors there.What ever you do keep pushing. You are going to be her support system. See if you can enroll the help of other family members or friends so you do feel so completely alone. too hard to go it alone.We all think that way sweetie its hard shes your mom and you need her too tell her that. Share things with her now and if in the end she looses her battle it wont be as hard because youll know you were. there when she nedded you the most. Be Brave. Find Support for you too it helps for you.Keep talkin it does help rather than keeping it all in. Good Luck
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