
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My pet tiger bit me...?

and it wont stop bleeding. i dont want to see a doctor because i probobly have rabies and i dont want a shot. is there a rabies pill i can take instead of a shot. if i dont do something fast, ill probobly die
Wow! You have a pet tiger? Or, a cat? You really need to see a doctor and shots don't hurt that much. My three year old cousin didn't even flinch when she got hers.
u should definitly go to the doctor and im sure that u really have a pet tiger lol, plus shots dont hurt
Tigers are not pets, they are wild animals. If the bite was deep, you probably need stitches...go to the ER and ask for a rabies shot too. Sorry a shot is your only option.
is tiger a dog? because im thinking it is and if it is, then if he had his shots, then its pretty positive that he doesnt have rabies meaning you dont have it. but to make it stop bleeding, make sure u apply gause and pressure to the wound. Otherwise if your pet does have rabies, i know of no pills to take rather than seeing your doctor
Wow! You should go to the Dr. and get a shot...
Don't be scared!
Yep, it would really suck to have to get a shot right after a tiger has bitten you. That would be at the top of my list of things to worry about!
If this is a real pet tiger and it has not been exposed to other wild animals just other family pets. and none of them are sick. you don't have may still die if you don't get the bite treated.
from a think shots are bad getting hooked up to iv lines for a week will be fun.

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