he said it's papillary cancer, stage four. he said it is slow growing, but we saw that in a matter of 5 months, it had really grown considerably. the doctor did not advise surgery anymore because of the risk re.: age (she's 73). now my mother is in the US and the doctors there said that it has to be taken out, otherwise it will choke her. she's scheduled fo MRI on the 24th and will then proceed to surgery. ny question is which doctor is correct?
Papillary cancer is the most common of the thyroid cancers. So this is what I found: Yes, surgery is the main treatment.Thyroid cancer Treatment
Date updated: April 04, 2005
Content provided by MayoClinic.com
Surgery is the main treatment for most types of thyroid cancer, but other therapies may vary, depending on the type of thyroid cancer you have.Papillary and follicular thyroid cancers
The best type of surgery for follicular and papillary thyroid cancers was once a matter of debate. Now most experts agree that the optimal treatment is near-total thyroidectomy - an operation that removes practically the entire thyroid with the exception of small rims of tissue around the parathyroid glands to reduce the risk of parathyroid damage. If you have enlarged lymph nodes as a result of thyroid cancer, your operation may be extended to remove the affected lymph nodes. In some cases, this may mean exploring and removing enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of your neck. Cancer is less likely to return or spread after thyroidectomy than after less complete operations, and in experienced hands, the risks of the surgery are low.Good luck, had cancer twice, so my blessings go out to you.
he is right-------------sorry for mum. in my prayers.
well ,,the clincial stage 4 ,and papilary cancer means primary is thyroid..,,requests palliative treatment ,,i think ,curative is hard to achieve ,,so if he does any surgery to improve quality of life ,i think its fine,.,...
The doc in the USA is correct in my opinion! My sister in law had this happen twice, although she is younger (52). She survived both times even tho they didn't think so the second time out. Today, 3 years later, she lives a happy full healthy life.Good Luck to mom and we'll pray for her.
Sounds like a 50-50 risk no matter what...sounds like you're going to need a third opinion on that one. She could just be put on intubation, but that would require her to be unconscious for the rest of her time. Call another doctor and get a third opinion, and I hope your mother will be okay.
You can check the National Comprehense Cancer Network to see what protocols are offered for this type of cancer:NCCN: Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology - Thyroid Carcinoma
http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physic...For best care your mother should be seen at a designated comprehensive cancer center in your area. These universities and research hospitals network with each other for the lastest advances in oncology:Cancer Centers List
http://cancercenters.cancer.gov/cancer_c...You might want to contact other patients who may offer better advice too:ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer
Survivors' Association, Inc.
http://www.thyca.org/Also join a Listserv group for support and information about this disease:ACOR: The Thyroid Cancer Online Support Group
http://listserv.acor.org/archives/thyroi...Good luck to you.
sorry to tell you this but the us doctor is right my husband has the same cancer and when they found it they said they would get him to surgery fast because of the same reason good luck most of the time it calls for a radical neck dissection which is very bad and carrys a lot of risks but my husband had the same surgery done then radiation then chemo
As a recent thyroid cancer survivor I can tell you that the cancer itself may not be the issue so much as your mother's age and the risk of surgery. The US dr is likely correct, and at a stage 4 she will likely require a radical neck dissection and radioactive iodine treatment. There are a couple of great sites for thyroid cancer, one of which is an excellent yahoo support group that I belong to. I would highly recommend joining. Best wishes.
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