ever since i was in the 1rst grade my mom has been smoking and I've always been trying 2 stop her (never worked). plz plz help! i don't want her 2 die before she is 60!!
There is nothing you can do about your mom smoking - it is just one of those things where the person has to be THE ONE who stops it herself. For one thing, it is a chemical addiction.But you should certainly take steps to protect yourself from any second hand smoke from her smoking, and insist that she smoke in areas that are not around you.Google "second hand smoke" and find a good site or two that discusses this, and then show your mom that she is harming more than just herself. A lot of times, a person who smokes needs gentle pressure from a variety of sources to nudge them into quitting.
Your concern is well placed, The love you show by this is great. Unfortunately, there is really nothing you can do to stop her. As long as she is able to get cigarettes and wants to smoke, she will. You can ask, beg and plead but she has to make the decision for her self.I know it is difficult for you to see this and all that can happen to her. The best you can do is continue to show your love and support. Encourage her to get help. There are many options your doctor can provide to help her quit. But she must be ready before any will work.Terry
Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there. That's bad enough, but it's all the other junk they put in cigs that are more of a concern, like the tar that turns your baby pink lungs tar brown. Ammonia is added for some reason too, probably taste or a preservative. It's not easy to start smoking because it doesn't agree with you, and it's really hard to stop. It's not only an addictive but can lead to death. On one side of a pack of Marlboro cigs it gives the gov ordered warning and on the other it lists a phone and web address for special offers. If they really listed what is in them, well, I guess they would be giving away their trade secrets and tobacco is not only a huge economy world wide but subsidized by the government. Try calling 1-800-627-5200 and ask why smoking is a serious risk to your health. Do some research and present it to your ma. Keep telling her.
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