My mother in law has liver cancer and she takes hydrocodone every 4 housrs. Sometimes 1 and sometimes 2 at a time. She still feels horrific pain. What is some thing natural that can help her. anything. We have tried but nothing works. Any opinions or suggestions?
Depending on where you live, she can probably get Medicinal Marijuana for the pain. Its natural and will help greatly with the pain and even help her with an appetite if she ends up going through chemotherapy or loses appetite for any other reason.
Ask her doctor for an appointment with a pain management counselor...
try emu oil.and lin -c oil.
Pot or marijuana should help. I mean why hold back now. Maybe you 2 can have some fun and actually bond a little. Tylenol 3 is for extreme pain relief also. But you need a prescription for it.
Tell her doctor she needs more pain relief. They might change the dosage or add some other medicine. Or maybe prescribe something else entirely. I have cancer and hydrocodone doesn't work for me, so I take morphine...and it really works. Most oncologists are very helpful with pain now-days. Your mother-in-law may not be telling her doc about how bad the pain is because she thinks it's "normal." There are also docs who specialize in pain management...her onco should be able to refer her to one.
Bless you for helping her!
Opium/heroin is the only thing I can think of that is natural that will work with advanced liver cancer.Since we don't live in Afghanistan and you unlikely to be willing to find your local drug dealer. I strongly suggest you contact her doctor, she should be on morphine. Its the best shot she has, but to be honest there will be a point where the morphine below the amount required to put her out or in a coma will not control the pain. I watched my father go through it and if it were me going through it I know I would take a very large and unsafe dose of it before I went to the final stages.
I will try and help out as much as possible, My husband Peter had cancer in the mouth and throat, and yes he had a lot of pain, and we tryed every thing from natural to what ever the doctor was giving him, he had 2 operations in his throat and had his tongue cut out, and the cancer just came back and he did pass away just before Christmas on 2006, now it was hell what we all had to go through and the chemo and radiation did not help, and he was in pain all the time the pain just never went away, so I went to the health food store and picked up pure blueberries juices the kind you mix with water, this was for energy, seem to work a little, as for the pain, we try ed every thing natural with no good results, the only thing that helped was the morphine patch now the patch was to last for 3 days but only worked for 2days and then we would change it, if you have not try ed the patch please get it for your mother, and as long as some one is with her and try and keep her in a positive attitude and help her out as much as possible. I hope things work out better for you then it did for my husband, I know I didn't answer the question you wanted to know about but I do not think that there is any natural pain reliever that would work the pain is just to strong. God will be with you and your mother and I will pray for you
I think she needs to speak with her Dr about how the Rx isnt holding her. There are other drugs and she should not be suffering. I dont think there is anything natural as strong as Morphine which may be what she needs. At least you ( or someone) could ask.
Call her oncologist immediately. It is unacceptable for your Mother in Law to be in so much pain. There is such a thing as pain management. She is probably experiencing 'break through pain' and so the doctors need to get that under control. There are guidelines and a protocol to follow. No one should experience this much pain. She may need to go back to the hospital to regain that control.NCCN: Cancer Pain Treatment Guidelines for Patient Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology- Adult Cancer Pain Cancer Pain Control Pain Management
Hydrocodone is a relativly weak pain killer. I am actually surprised she is not on something like oxycontin (oxycodone) or morphine. Definatly talk to the doc about pain managment. Pot will help a lot if she is willing. Essentially loritab, vicodin, tylonal 3 and a couple others are the same thing so that wont help (hydrocodone is their generic, usually in slightly diff doses). I would not suggest doubling or tripling doses on the hydrocodone. The tylonal (Acetaminophen, the generic form of tylenol that is in hydrocodone) can cause liver damage.. Being that she is treated for liver cancer, may not be the best med for pain.There are also meds that are stronger than the ones listed above. Often it is a choice in being in pain and being lucid.
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