like every so often my lips will begin 2 peel and turn really pink and it seems like i have no skin on them then they get swollen and skinless what is this what should i do i never went 2 the dr. for it because benedryl made the swelling go away but it came bac
they seem really dry from the summer heat.put chapstick on and keep them moist
Maybe you have a food allergy. If the foods you are eating make your lips swell, you should see a doctor.
This happens to me sometimes aswell, my lips just seem to get a bit dry and then if you start licking them it gets worse and worse. But I bought an absolutely wonderful product not long ago that did the trick! It's called Lucas' Papaw Ointment and is made from fresh permented fruit. It worked a gem and my lips felt significantly smoother and didn't hurt once I had used it. Unlike lipbalm, it doesn't stay ontop of the lips, it dissolves and releaves and cleanses. I won't go back to normal lipbalm now, you should try it. It is honestly an excellent product which clears up sore lips in about 2-3 days. It can also be used for boils, burns, chafing, cuts, cracked skin, gravel rash, splinters, open wounds and insect bites. It will be in your pharmarcy. I hope that your lips are better soon, I know what you're going through!
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