I'd appreciate it if someone can give me some ideas on recipies, what to eat, what not to eat and why not. Thanks everyone
For information of this nature you really shouldn't be asking on here - go to a professional organisation where you'll get tried and tested information of quality. Don't forget, you're looking at somebody's LIFE here - not a pimple on their bottom - and as for the first answer. ohmigord ! ! !
http://www.diabetic.org.uk/management/ty...I have no personal experience but this page looks like it might be quite useful for you. Good luck
There are some great cookbooks out there and even online you can get some great recipies.
He must watch his portions and stick to low carbs (carbs turn into sugar) and low sugar. He should eat 3 meals a day with 3 snacks - morning, afternoon and before bed. The one before bed is important to keep his sugar levels up through the night. You can actually have some carbs at that point - maybe a piece of bread with a small amount of peanut butter (if he hasn't used his fat allottment that day).
The Diabetes Association has charts and your doctor should have referred you to a dietician who will tell you how much he can eat and when. How many fats, etc per day. If not, call the Diabetes Association and ask them to mail you a chart and any other information they can provide you with.
Once you know what can and can't be eaten (no more piling the margarine on the bread for example) it's easy to control with diet.
Good Luck.
Limit his carbs.your body turns carbs into sugar. Thats the biggy. Eat fruits and drink juices in moderation. Of course the simple one is to cut out sugar.teas, colas, foods high in sugar. An easy start for most is cutting out breads with meals...most ppl eat biscuits of some sort with atleast one meal. Add more low carb veggies like salads, green beans, peas, cabbage, ect. Look at the labels on your food, it will amaze you how much fat, carbs and sugar are in everything.
just eat a balanced diet you should be given information off your gp. try the nhs website for more information. one thing i do know is sugar free ready made jelly is really nice. good luck it shouldn't effect him to much. if he is carrying wieght around his tummy it may be a good idea to see a dietition. for adivice
My mother is a type 2 diabetic who has to inject 4 times a day. She doesn't have that much of a sweet tooth but does love her puddings! With much experimenting, we find that we can use Fructose - which is a fruit suger which works in a different way within the body to normal suger - so is able to have many puddings. things like Apple Crumble/Pie are made using Slender or similar. Fruit cake - christmas cake and puddings are made using Fructose and sweet fruit like dates etc. They are delicious. We even made our own ice cream last year. Favourites included Coconut and Lime - yum and Chocolate. Haven't worked out a way to do icing yet - but am working on it. Just keep eating healthily watching the fat content and use all the alternatives. Keep a close eye on your blood suger level. hope this helps.
He can eat mostly anything he'd like to eat however just watch the carbs and don't fall for the myth that eating sweets or sugar causes Diabetes. Also make sure that he keeps something sweet close by such as some candy juice and a regular soda.
please dont used yahoo for this kind of question go to your hopital and see a expert or you could cause a lot of problems
Try dlife.com. They have the most amazing recipes and you don't have to do anything except buy the stuff and cook it. It has already figured out carb and calorie counts. This is a great web site for diabetics. You can get all kinds of info and professional help. Good luck.
Your husband should have been advised on diet by his doctor, but basically, unless told otherwise, follow normal healthy diet guidelines, as we all should. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, reduce fat, salt and sugar, and perhaps cut down on portion size. If you go to the Diabetes UK website, http://www.diabetes.org.uk you'll find plenty of useful information there, and they do have recipe books as well as helpful leaflets. While on Diabetes UK site check out their '10 steps to eating well'. Some of the larger supermarket websites have useful information too. There are also lots of books you can choose from.Although you may have to be fairly strict to start with, until his diabetes is under control, by which time you'll know a lot more about what he can and cannot eat.
It's not that bad - really, but do make sure he follows his doctors advice.
Get the book "The GI Diet" by Rick Gallop. (No im not spamming!). When I was diagnosed type 2 a year ago I started on this diet. Its great, it helps with weight loss and keeps blood glucose levels stable.
Also get him to visit the web site below. Its by a type 2 diabetic for diabetics. It has lots of good info and was an enormous help to me.
I first want to say that I am so sorry for you and your husband.You have a long road ahead of you but,it dose not have to be hard.I am 24 years old and I have been diabetic for a 14 years old.Things like meat,cheese,eggs,veggies are all great.You want to stay away from lots of pastas,breads,and of course sweets.Low carb foods are the best to eat.Y ou can still have some of the breads and pastas just not large amounts.Best of luck to you both.
My mum has type 2 diabetes, has had it for a few years now, and she was told to eat a balanced diet, try and limit the amount of simple sugars (chocolate, sweets, biscuits etc), have up to three pieces of fruit in a day, eat wholemeal bread, potatoes, pasta etc. I'd also not recommend anything with a lot of artificial sweetner in it, it can sometimes fool the body into thinking it has more sugar available than it has, and it then goes out of chemical balance. So if he sticks to a balanced diet, and gets an exercise regime started things should stay relatively settled for him.
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