After a separation of almost a year, we came back and I found out that he's out of insurance and doesn't take any medication at all.( He's self employed, and he hasn't been working for the last two weeks). He's losing weigth, and has bad breath. This week I noticed that he's losing interest in almost everything and he's not eating unless I prepare food for him.Last night, I smell him fruty, and he had temperature of 100.1 and he was covering with a blanket, even temperature is hot. I heard his heart beat and is fast. What are my options to get him some kind of insurance or where do I have to take him for medical care?I'm a self employed, work full time and have a toddler. Please advice. Thank you.
Your husband is in ketoacidosis. Call an ambulance NOW and to hell with the insurance!
Regardless of his fear of doctors, he needs to be seen very soon. Do you have a hospital in the area that takes patients without insurance? Some doctors will work with you. He is having diabetic shock probably, don't wait or it will be too late. I wish you luck.
This is bad. Sounds like your husband is going into DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) he needs to get to the hospital STAT. and get started on antibiotics and insulin therapy regaurdless if he hates shots and dr's. DKA can progress so quickly and kill the kidneys. Is he breathing funny? Have you checked his blood sugar? If he smells fruity he is spilling ketones! You need to check his urine for ketones to see if he is spilling sugar in to his urine! go to ER asap!
Well, I don't live in your state but I do know he NEEDS to get to a hospital! he has to eat all the time (my BF dad has to eat all the time or he will feel weak)type in self employed health care insurance in Google and see what you get. But do it on an American site. I'm doing it in Canada (where I live) and I'm getting free stuff.I'm sorry this is happening to you, but it will all work out, just get him to a hospital! I have a BF that is stubborn too but if he doesn't, are you prepared to watch him do this to himself?
Doctor or no doctor, you're soon going to be on your own. Be wiser about choosing your next partner..
My mom just found out she is diabetic with no insurance as well. She called all the local clinics and found one that you only pay $20 a visit and the medication is really cheap( it depends on your income) so maybe start calling all your local clinics and see what they tell you. Also make sure he eats well and nothing greasy or sweet. He has to be on a good diet.
Go and apply for state aid for him he needs to have meds and be seen by a doctor. State aid rarely turns people down that have a serious problem like diabetes. First take him to the hospital and then go and get on state aid. They will take care of the hospital bills too.
Take him to the er now. Social services there should be able to help him find some help. So what if he doesn't like shots. He has a choice, go to the doctor or die a slow death. Or you can wait for the coma and he has no say about it. Just call the ambulance. I hope it doesn't come to that. Men can be so stubborn at times.
This sounds like a diabetic EMERGENCY! Please listen to the other posts and get him to a hospital.You said he hates shots, but insulin needles are very small and go into the fat (not like the muscle shots from vaccines).You may want to contact his family for help. If he is unwilling to get help, you may have to stay away from him, for the sake of your child.You can't help people who wont help themselves.
don't need insurance, go to for the list of $4.00 prescriptions you will need a doctors prescrtion
Get your hubby to the hospital. Then get yourself to the department of social services for some medical assistance if you don't have health insurance. . Consult the Diabetes Association in your state, ask for their help, assistance and suggestions on where to go and what to do.
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