I just found out that this has been ailing him for the last few days, he is currently out of state. Can anyone give me some advice?
Tell him to go to the emergency room. Many people have minor heart attacks and strokes and do not even know it, because they only have minor discomfort. They are almost always a warning sign for a major event. TELL HIM TO DO NOT WAIT GO NOW!
Tell him to go to the dr immediately. He may have a heart attack.
Tell him to go to the hospital
Tell him to see a doctor.
Tell him to go to the Emergency Room and get himself checked out!
Start looking for a new one now...
Sure can. See a Doc or ER NOW!
DOCTOR.. i hate it when men dont fess up when they are sick..
Get to the hospital! Even if it turns out to be just stress related its better safe than sorry says the cliche.
I would try to convince him to go see a doc where he is.
Go to the doctor, or have him call ask a nurse in his area if he isn't comfortable going to the ER just yet...
He needs to go to a doctor, like most men he'll ignore it until it's too late to do anything about it.
Yes take him to the doctor,or tell him to go the the er and check himself in.Thats the best advice you can get and give him
heart attack symptoms
yeah go to the hospital asap..that sounds like mini strokes..it can be from heat also...go find out quick
get him to the hospital right away! That's the sign for a heart attack!
pray that he is OK, call your health care provider, send him to the emergency room, asap
Angina http://www.medicinenet.com/angina/page3.
Sounds like he might be havin heart problems or something I am not very great with stuff like that but I heard somewhere that it could be and just make sure he dont eat stuff like steak and makesure he drinks stuff like water maybe a little bit of beer not 2 much though
He needs to go to a hospital immediately. He could be having a heart attack.
Sounds like a heart attach is coming or.. what my dad had, a pinched nerve in the neck. Both are very very bad and need to be checked out by a doctor right now. Tell him to go to the emergency room right now. Do not wait one more second!!
Oh god this must be hard for you! This is the begining of a heart attack! It may happen soon. call him and tell him to get to a hospital ASAP!
He should see a doctor (go to the nearest hospital) right away...he could be experiencing heart related problems that might be very serious or potentially even fatal! The only way to know for sure is to see a doctor...and don't delay! If it's not heart-related, it could be anxiety related. Sometimes anxiety attacks can produce symptoms like this..but generally anxiety does not produce chest pain. Have him get to an emergency room QUICKLY. If he won't go on his own, call an ambulance.
Your husband should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Sounds like it~ He should undergo a complete cardiovascular evaluation. This includes a history of other risk factors for coronary heart disease such as smoking, blood pressure and diabetes.Good luck you. He should be fine if checked up early.
go to the hospital asap
Tell him to go to the nearest emergency room, these symptoms indicate possibly issues with the heart
Here is a website that you can check symptoms but I'd still go to a hospital:http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.j...
He's probably already had a heart attack and doesn't realize it. I'd go to hospital pretty soon if I were you.
he needs to go see a doctor he maybe having a heart attack or strock.
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